Challenges in Managing Dogs Across the World
In order to help the world’s dogs, we need an estimate of their population, and of what percent are homeless in each country.
In order to help the world’s dogs, we need an estimate of their population, and of what percent are homeless in each country.
Veteran animal rights and legal expert Larry Weiss discusses some of the most pressing issues in animal rights today, and outlines his vision for a humane tomorrow, at VegFest Colorado 2017.
This story, which involves a contentious lawsuit, showcases the unique power of agricultural waste to not only regenerate a forest but also to sequester a significant amount of carbon at no cost.
Should people who believe in animal rights think that abortion is wrong? Should pro-lifers accept animal rights? The answer depends on the reasons why someone accepts animal rights, and why someone thinks abortion is wrong.
A new Duke University-led study finds that more than 200 bird species in six rapidly developing regions are at risk of extinction despite not being included on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List.
In this week’s episode, Animal People reviews the trial of pig activist Anita Krajnc, the lifting of Australia’s dog racing ban, good and bad news for endangered wildlife, and more!
Why did this book take me so long to write? Because it is the real thing. It is based on what I have seen in animal rescue and it took me so long to put it in writing because I often didn’t have the courage to remember… to remember the pain my rescues had gone through, and what it took to get them back on their feet.
Reptiles are not commonly thought of as being responsive, or particularly intelligent. But in October 2001, we met a caiman (a type of small alligator) named Josefina, living in a lagoon in the rainforest of Costa Rica. Josefina displayed amazing intelligence, as well as sensitivity to human behavior and the effect her presence had on us.
Animal People executive director Wolf Clifton recently traveled Indonesia visiting animal projects, prior to the Asia for Animals 2015 conference in Kuching, Malaysia. Highlights in this entry include: rescued wildlife, the absence of wilderness, dilemmas of predator and prey, and poisonous red-eyed primates!