Browsing: China


As more of Southeast Asia’s natural forests are cleared and converted into plantations for growing oil palm, rubber and other tree crops, a Duke University-led study finds that 42 percent of species endemic to the region’s forests face a much higher risk of extinction from habitat loss than previously thought.


The whole meat issue is trivialized when it becomes about which animals are appropriate for eating and which are taboo. The legitimate way to focus campaigns against the dog and cat meat trades in Asia and elsewhere is to point out the additional cruelty involved in handling and killing those species.


Asia for Animals calls on the government of Guangxi, China to shut down the infamous Yulin Dog Meat Festival, which inflicts horrendous animal suffering, endangers public health and welfare, and reflects badly on Guangxi both within the country and abroad.


The fur industry has been condemned for the animal cruelty, environmental destruction and the dangers to human health it entails. As a result, Europe is gradually adopting a more fur free stance. Will China follow?


The older I am
The less interested I am
In the petty affairs of men
And the more
I love Earth
And all her other creatures
And systems and seasons…


This year, our Fur Free Life campaign has taken a new focus. While animal suffering and the lack of animal protection legislation remain at the heart of our campaign for a Fur Free Life, our educational publicity recently concentrated on the serious health risks for wearers of fur.

Animals in Research

Innocuous as individual mice and rats appear to be, and as easily befriended as they often are, they remain collectively an authentic menace to human health and agriculture. There is much we must understand if humans are to evolve a less violent coexistence with these creatures, who share virtually every human dwelling, place of business, and site of food production or preparation.

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