Browsing: China


There will be devastating global consequences for tigers now that China is lifting the ban on tiger bones for use in traditional Chinese medicine. In a battle between the tigers and large-scale, state-sanctioned economic interests, the animal’s fate looks desperately perilous.


Reading about the environment can sometimes seem like a depressing litany of fading species, increased development, and a warming planet. But there are reasons to be hopeful. As we enter the new year, here are 12 conservation wins we saw in 2018.

Animals in Entertainment

A ride on a horse-drawn vehicle might at first appear to be a romantic, nostalgic journey to a bygone era when cars and buses were absent. However, this industry is actually fraught with potentially serious problems for both animal welfare and public safety.


In China’s city of Dalian, a quarter million people staged a massive protest in response to a number of high-profile cruelty cases. As the climax of the event, a huge banner was displayed. It read: “Build a Beautiful China, Punish Animal Abusers.”

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