Recent Legal Milestones for Animals
Legal advancements for animals can often come at a painfully slow pace. But recently, we couldn’t help but notice how many wins and promising animal law-related news items kept coming in.
Legal advancements for animals can often come at a painfully slow pace. But recently, we couldn’t help but notice how many wins and promising animal law-related news items kept coming in.
Each movement and each component sub-movement, if winning public support–progresses through eight cyclical phases that Moyer identified through long observation of the civil rights movement, anti-Vietnam War movement, anti-nuclear movement, and labor movement, among others in which he was personally involved.
…populations of wild horses are much needed to restore the health of ecosystems. Because they are semi-nomatic, they do not wear down the vegetation and the soil in the same way that cows do.
The Buddha may or may not have taught vegetarianism, but there is no excuse in any Buddhist tradition for temples to serve meat to followers.
“Everyone says they will help the Romanian dogs. They go home, they forget. You will go home, you’ll forget”. Our reply, “We will not forget”.”
Animal People takes a retrospective look at one of the founding documents of the animal rights movement