How Animal Protection Impacts All 17 U.N. Sustainable Development Goals
Recognizing the connections between animal protection and the SDGs can help advocates maximize impact, win government support, and collaborate with other stakeholders.
Recognizing the connections between animal protection and the SDGs can help advocates maximize impact, win government support, and collaborate with other stakeholders.
One woman and her dog are walking 4,000 kilometers across Australia in order to raise funds and awareness for abused and overworked working animals all over the world.
In an interview with the co-founder of the Microsanctuary Resource Center, we discussed the concept of a microsanctuary and the role caring for individual animals plays in the overall animal liberation movement.
Capturing and confining dolphins and orcas in restrictive concrete pools is killing them—physically and psychologically. Don’t support captive animal entertainment.
The Mirage Hotel of Las Vegas keeps dolphins in tanks in the desert sun where they are forced to perform for tourists. The facility has a notoriously high mortality rate for dolphins.
What does the evidence say about whether Jesus was vegan during his life and what his feelings were about animals?
All forms of entertainment that use captive wild animals to perform for humans are full of endless stress and suffering for the animals.
What’s missing when “animal lovers” go to zoos, swim with captive dolphins, or support other animal-exploiting attractions and industries? Empathy, respect, and awareness.
186 horses died in England in 2019 as a direct result of racing. This alarming figure shows no sign of improvement in comparison to the fatality records over recent years.
80% of the pigeons, who are unable to fend for themselves in the wild, disappeared during the entire season.
What if more organizations aimed to address the interconnected well-being of animals, humans, and the environment?
Dog racing is a deeply unethical industry that abuses, uses, exploits and kills dogs purely for profit.