Bill Introduced to Ban the Sale of Fur in Oregon
HB2676 would make it a misdemeanor to sell, offer for sale, display for sale, or otherwise distribute a new fur product in the state of Oregon.
HB2676 would make it a misdemeanor to sell, offer for sale, display for sale, or otherwise distribute a new fur product in the state of Oregon.
As demonstrated by the current global health crisis, wildlife consumption and use, including fur animal farming, poses a grave threat to human health, both in China and worldwide.
New report by Born Free USA reveals lack of oversight, serious animal welfare concerns, and public health risks on U.S. fur farms.
Inhumane practices are the norm in the wool industry, which is anything but benign.
For the sake of new lipstick shades, skin creams, or shampoo formulas, animals endure torturous tests and suffer in silence in laboratories.
A report reveals how China’s fur industry is both healthy and influential, and highlights its growing influence on the world’s fur industry.
36% of vegetarians are completely unaware that animal products are used by the makeup industry.
Greece’s Minister of Development and Industry recently made alarming statements endorsing fur production and incorrectly characterizing fur as more environmentally friendly than alternatives. Greek activists are speaking out in response.
California Governor Gavin Newsom has made it illegal to sell or produce fur, hunt bobcats, use wild animals in circuses, sell the skins of exotic animals, and strengthened protections for California’s horses facing slaughter!
Duck and goose down may seem like a relatively innocuous product to some, but the truth is the industry is extremely brutal to the birds and deceptive to consumers.
Many materials used in clothing and accessories mean cruelty, suffering, and death for animals. With these pointers, you can dress fabulously and not hurt animals.
Assembly Bill 273 would end the cruel, taxpayer subsidized commercial fur trapping trade across the state.