Basic Income and Veganism
How would universal basic income benefit vegans and the fight for animal protection?
How would universal basic income benefit vegans and the fight for animal protection?
Recognizing the connections between animal protection and the SDGs can help advocates maximize impact, win government support, and collaborate with other stakeholders.
Instead of despairing that the loss of economic growth is the end of civilization, we should embrace these limits and get to work building a new society.
The United States federal government can accomplish incredible things when it chooses. With investment in cultured meat research, we could do amazing things for human health, the environment and animal welfare.
As staffing numbers dwindle during this pandemic, which they undoubtedly will, and assurance schemes postpone inspections, current poor animal welfare standards are likely to become even worse.
A global ban on wildlife markets is necessary to protect both humans and other animals, says a UN Migratory Species Ambassador.
Live animal markets are a breeding ground for organisms that can be deadly to humans. According to the CDC, “3 out of every 4 new or emerging infectious diseases in people come from animals.”
While the stress and isolation we are experiencing under lockdown is temporary, for the animals we exploit there is no relief from confinement.
A seasoned animal advocate discusses what she’s learned from decades of working to help animals in a variety of ways, from fighting for legislative changes to saving dogs from post-Katrina floods.
The COVID-19 pandemic will hopefully accelerate new policies to prevent and mitigate the impact of new emerging pathogens and give new impetus to ending wildlife consumption and habitat destruction.
The notion that Earth is here for our use and pleasure is deeply embedded in our collective assumption. We have to rebalance our relationship with the natural world. COVID-19 is a warning of what happens when we don’t.
This pandemic is a pivotal event for almost everyone on the planet. There’s a lot that we still don’t know, but there can be no doubt that this pandemic is a consequence of our treatment of animals.