Why the Animal Protection Movement Will Win
“The stakes are high, the steaks are on every table, and the task seems incredibly daunting. Yet I am sure that we will win.”
“The stakes are high, the steaks are on every table, and the task seems incredibly daunting. Yet I am sure that we will win.”
19th century extermination campaigns slaughtered millions of buffalo in an attempt to wipe out Native Americans and free up land for cattle ranching. Buffalo “management” today is a direct descendent of those actions.
“What we are trying to do in the Western Balkan region is not only a rescue program for single animals. In our view, it is far more important to change the mentality of citizens and the legislation on stray dogs’ management.”
In the Philippines, rufous-headed hornbills have been driven to the brink of extinction by hunting and deforestation. But thanks to a new project, they are celebrated among local people, and have kicked off a movement to restore the area’s forests.
Every year, fins from up to 73 million sharks enter the global shark fin trade. The Shark Fin Sales Elimination Act of 2019, introduced by Senator Booker (D-NJ) would create a nationwide prohibition on the trade of shark fins in the US.
During a single hour of investigation, five coaches carrying hundreds of tourists arrived and all were given an explicit sales pitch for the tiger bone glue, despite laws against the sale and trade of products made from tigers.
By all means, be vegan, but let’s not make a fetish out of our personal consumption, at the cost of our attention to other things that may impact the lives of animals much, much more.
China’s Yulin festival inspires international outrage over the consumption of dog meat. But many who are horrified by eating dogs fail to think critically about their own meat consumption or the forms of violence against animals that go on closer to home, too.
Just as we do the best with what we have in our work, we must also do the best to maintain our personal lives, our social support groups, our hobbies and our self-care rituals. We must replenish ourselves so we can bring the best of ourselves to this movement.
Millions of street dogs live in India, and many people there are fearful of them due to the risk of rabies. A combination of mass sterilization, rabies vaccination, and community education improves the situation for dogs and humans alike.
With the biodiversity crisis quite possibly surpassing climate change as the greatest threat to humanity, we explore why many do not seem to realize the urgency, and reveal why this year is the crucial time for a plan ‘B’.
OIPA Cameroon is creating a kinder and more humane future by teaching young children about animal welfare and environmental protection.