Animal Welfare and Tourism: Animal Suffering on Holiday
There’s nothing fun about selfies taken with bears in chains, on the back of an elephant or petting lion cubs. Animal welfare should not stop on holiday.
There’s nothing fun about selfies taken with bears in chains, on the back of an elephant or petting lion cubs. Animal welfare should not stop on holiday.
The Faroese tradition of hunting pilot whales is under pressure from animal protection organizations, and locals have been recommended to reduce whale meat consumption for health reasons.
A prominent Indian activist writes about the complexities of elephant captivity in India.
In an interview with International Animal Rescue’s CEO, we discuss why and how the cruel dancing bear trade was ended, and how this project convinced him that animal welfare and human welfare go together.
For a Western hunter to pay to kill an African animal and expatriate their parts is a form of objectification, dehumanizing and therefore morally reprehensible. It may entrench a Western narrative of supremacy underpinned by chauvinistic, colonialist and crudely utilitarian anthropocentric attitudes.
During the festival of Tihar in Nepal, people honor animals and their sacred and unique bond with humans.
Whether you are new to animal advocacy or a seasoned animal activist, it’s important that your advocacy efforts are as effective as possible.
The Gadhimai Festival is again underway in Nepal. An interview with the High Priest of Gadhimai offers unsettling insights into the world’s largest animal sacrifice event.
With more than 2,000 dogs killed per year, this slaughterhouse was the largest supplier of dog meat in the province.
Watch Bucking Tradition, the short documentary winner of the 2019 International Vegan Film Festival, here.
Thanksgiving is a time for friends and loved ones to come together, but it also marks a far darker time for the turkeys who become the centerpiece of the meal.
An increasing proportion of dogs and cats used to supply the demand for dog meat in Vietnam are stolen pets. This is quickly becoming an issue as the growing pet-owning and loving population is becoming frustrated with continued pet theft.