Protest Breaking Up Walrus Mom and Her Pups!
The Vancouver Aquarium’s plan to separate two nursing walrus pups from their mother is a cruel commercial ploy insensitive to the animals’ needs.
The Vancouver Aquarium’s plan to separate two nursing walrus pups from their mother is a cruel commercial ploy insensitive to the animals’ needs.
Animal Kingdom Foundation rescues dogs from slaughter for meat, and provides them with a better life at its Animal Rescue and Rehabilitation Center.
The 10th Asia for Animals conference gets underway this coming Saturday in the Nepali capital Kathmandu, and this year’s theme is Changing Human Behaviour.
None of the existing role players in conservation understand what is required to save Africa’s vanishing wilderness. The issue is just too broad and deep – and politically charged.
For PAL, animal liberation cannot be divorced from anti-colonialism, Palestinian liberation and solidarity, and defense of the land and all the life that it supports.
Whatever work one does for animals, we are all united by the common hope that someday animals will be recognised as more than just property. FIAPO is preparing a new campaign to pursue legal rights for animals in India.
FIAPO’s investigations reveal the unchecked horrors rampant in India’s ever growing commercialised dairy industry.
Cruelty is against the law and can never be part of good filmmaking. Filipino moviegoers deserve better, and all animals deserve to be treated with kindness and respect.
A recent spay/neuter campaign in the town of Topoloveni, Romania, resulted in the sterilization of more than 400 dogs and cats, and sets an example for humane, effective population control for other cities to follow.
Events are being organised around the world for International Gibbon Day. Gibbons, who are also referred to as “smaller apes”, are not only losing their habitat because of deforestation; they are also being trafficked as pets.
The 2017 Humane Awards honor inspirational animals and people who are doing exceptional work in supporting the ASPCA’s mission of providing effective means for the prevention of cruelty to animals throughout the United States.
El Rey Magnum’s breeder called the colt “a stepping stone to getting close to perfection,” but UK veterinarians warn of severe health risks from such extreme breeding.