POETRY: The Great Symphony
Dawn breaks.
The chorus begins
The leaves rustle
The wind plays.
Dawn breaks.
The chorus begins
The leaves rustle
The wind plays.
Christmas underscores the emotive power of the amazing animals with whom we share our world. The birth of Christ is a prime opportunity to remember that Christmas is not just about humanity. Rather, the arrival of the infant Christ promises cosmic, restorative consequences for the whole of creation.
A hush of fear,
Wonder, hope,
That the light will return
And save us from darkness
And death…
Please join me now in performing this poem.
This is your big chance to take part in a nature poem.
The crow that wakes me
Announcing dawn
Carries me back,
In these first, soft, clear moments,
To the Scottish Border country…
In his new book, Animal Envy, Ralph Nader uses a fable to warn that if humans continue on their present path of conquering nature, they are not simply soiling their own nest, but destroying their future.
November trees,
Naked in their beauty.
Graceful bare arms
Reaching for the still-warm sun
Take care of homeless animals this winter! For you it is a little thing, but for them it is a matter of life and death…
The machines roar
In the forest
On the factory farm,
On the trails,
In the skies,
In the oceans…
And the giant, silent Buddha
With eyes of leaden, emerald fire
Quietly said:
Wild horses.
Flowing manes
Exuberant screaming
Thundering over the plains
In an ecstasy of freedom…