Five Things You Can Do To Help Animals This Christmas
As Christmas approaches, Animal Aid UK implores everyone to spread this season of goodwill to animals.
As Christmas approaches, Animal Aid UK implores everyone to spread this season of goodwill to animals.
In October, a historic bill banning the use of exotic animals in circuses was passed by both the New Jersey State Assembly and the New Jersey State Senate. That only leaves one final hurdle to turn the bill into law: the governor’s signature. Please sign this petition asking New Jersey governor Phil Murphy to sign the circus ban into law.
Bulls of fire is an extremely cruel Spanish bloodsport. In it, torches are tied to bulls’ horns and then set on fire, all for the entertainment of the crowd. This atrocious physical and mental torture, considered a tradition, is still practiced in two Spanish regions, namely Catalonia and Valencia.
Every year, wild bears are illegally caught by poachers in Armenia. Once captured, many of them end up kept as tourist attractions in small, squalid cages in restaurants and other public entertainment venues. Read about how International Animal Rescue’s Great Bear Rescue campaign frees the bears from their suffering.
The lab monkey, fur mink, and racing horse will not be liberated through compromise. They need so-called extremism. As Dr. King suggested, an extremist for justice is a label that carries no shame; indeed, it should be embraced.
These young elephants are not gifts or symbols, they are living beings with needs, emotions, and desires, none of which would be accommodated in a circus setting, where they will be forced to perform for the financial benefit of Durov Animal Theatre. Asia for Animals Coalition calls on Myanmar to reconsider the transfer in order to protect the elephants’ welfare.
A boom in demand for otters as pets in Japan has been linked to rising numbers of “otter cafés,” high-profile television programs featuring otters and celebrities, and the popularity of otter pet “superstars” on social media platforms.
The Oregon Zoo tops the list due to the use of bullhooks, unethical breeding practices, and animal welfare violations. One elephant named Chendra has been shunned by the others and walks in circles all day. Exploitation of these sensitive, emotional, and intelligent animals must stop!
Every year from September to March in a small town in Japan, wild dolphins are slaughtered for their meat. Help Action For Dolphins put an end to the hunt by signing their petition to Governor Nisaka!
The OIVFF will launch its inaugural screenings as the world’s first vegan film festival on October 14. It will not only showcase the talents of extraordinary filmmakers, but also serve as a crucial link connecting a global community of vegans and inspiring non-vegans to make kinder, more informed food choices. Learn more and view the trailer here!
Thanks to a new project from International Organization for Animal Protection (OIPA) called “Stop Viral Animal Cruelty,” every time you see videos or pictures of animal abuse online, you will be able to report them by filling out an online form and demanding their removal.
This is a particularly critical election for animals, so it’s important that we turn out to the polls to support those who have expressed a willingness to join in the fight. Remember, you hold the power to make sure humane candidates get into Congress and stay there. Animals only win when humane candidates and issues do.