Take Action Against Export of Baby Elephants from Zimbabwe to China!
In Zimbabwe, 35 young elephants have been torn away from their families and habitats and are awaiting export to zoos, safari parks, and circuses in China.
In Zimbabwe, 35 young elephants have been torn away from their families and habitats and are awaiting export to zoos, safari parks, and circuses in China.
We need the Florida Orca Protection Act because Kayla deserved better than what she got: a short life in a small tank. Orcas are counting on us to make sure this generation of captive orcas is the last.
Footage from a meat market in China has increased concerns about the fates of Irish racing greyhounds who end up in the country, which has no nationwide animal welfare laws. Organizations are calling for Ireland to ban the export of greyhounds to China.
We need to talk about the future of zoos. There are about 1,500 formal and many more informal zoos in the world, holding between three and four million animals, displayed for our curiosity and amusement. It’s fair to ask: to what end?
Somehow, even with widespread concern, multiple decisions by Greek authorities demanding the closure of the facilities, and several protests and letter-writing campaigns, Attica Zoological Park continues to operate its illicit dolphinarium, and the dolphins kept there continue to be forced to perform in shows.
The substantial reduction in most South American urban markets that were formerly major illegal bird trade hubs is a major conservation achievement in recent decades, with millions of birds saved as these local markets collapsed.
The rankings are based on a comprehensive review of each jurisdiction’s animal protection laws. This is the longest-running and most authoritative report of its kind, and tracks which states are taking animal protection seriously.
So-called ‘modern’ zoos continue to use and abuse elephants as property in their relentless pursuit of profits, and the animals always pay the price. Please don’t visit zoos that hold elephants captive.
There are still hundreds of animals suffering in the circus industry across the United States. We need all other states and countries around the world to step up and speak out for these animals by joining Hawaii in banning performing exotic animal acts.
A ride on a horse-drawn vehicle might at first appear to be a romantic, nostalgic journey to a bygone era when cars and buses were absent. However, this industry is actually fraught with potentially serious problems for both animal welfare and public safety.
The public must have access to the USDA’s animal welfare records. This transparency is not only critically important for protecting animals, but is required by the law and necessary to hold government agencies accountable
Lammie has been alone at the zoo since her partner, Kinkel, died. Despite calls from various organizations to let Lammie live out her days on a reserve with a herd of previously-captive elephants, the zoo won’t budge.