Video: Youth Engagement for Animal Welfare in Liberia
The founder of Liberia Animal Welfare & Conservation Society discusses current issues facing animal in Liberia, LAWCS’ programs, and the benefits of humane education.
The founder of Liberia Animal Welfare & Conservation Society discusses current issues facing animal in Liberia, LAWCS’ programs, and the benefits of humane education.
The program aims to serve remote and under-served areas, and to reduce both pet overpopulation and human rabies deaths.
The carcasses of more than 400 elephants have been discovered in Botswana and nobody yet knows what’s killing them. The government appears to be dragging its heels in pursuit of answers.
Recognizing the connections between animal protection and the SDGs can help advocates maximize impact, win government support, and collaborate with other stakeholders.
Sustainable use has ensured the international commercialization of biodiversity, and determined that price and trade be the arbiter of what value each species holds.
Are we headed towards a world without lions in the wild? In an interview with author Sara Evans, we discuss the threats lions face and why we should have hope that these big cats will persist.
The “big five” wildlife species were chosen by trophy hunters based on the species most difficult to kill. The New Big 5 will be based on the animals most popular to photograph, and advocates for compassion and conservation.
COVID-19 has forced the world to reconsider its relationship with wild animals, but South African legislation is increasingly pointing in the wrong direction. It urgently needs a rethink.
Irked by opposition to its decision to reopen elephant trophy hunting, the Botswanan government has become increasingly strident and populist in defense of its actions.
The notion that Earth is here for our use and pleasure is deeply embedded in our collective assumption. We have to rebalance our relationship with the natural world. COVID-19 is a warning of what happens when we don’t.
New research reveals poor animal welfare practices in many countries worldwide, which provide the perfect breeding ground for viruses to mutate and spread.
In North America, Australia and New Zealand, suspicion and outright hostility continue to plague the debate over what to do about outdoor stray and feral cats.