Research into China’s Fur Trade Shows Consumer Appetite for Fur-Fashions
A report reveals how China’s fur industry is both healthy and influential, and highlights its growing influence on the world’s fur industry.
A report reveals how China’s fur industry is both healthy and influential, and highlights its growing influence on the world’s fur industry.
The Fur Free Retailer program welcomes YOOX NET-A-PORTER as the 750th apparel company to join the program since its formation in 2002.
Gain insight into China’s dog and cat fur industry by reading our new report and leaflet, which advise consumers how they can help to take fur off the market.
“This is an encouraging step in the right direction from the Chinese authorities and we congratulate the government on this decision,” said Pei Su, Founder and Executive Director of ACTAsia. “However, we must also realise that this temporary ban raises certain issues.”
Needless suffering of rabbits is not due to cruelty as such, but a simple lack of understanding, which is now being resolved through education. While cats and dogs are more commonly kept as companion animals in China, the needs and behaviors of the sociable, vegetarian bunny are misunderstood by many pet owners and the vets who care for them.
Caring for Life describes exactly what ACTAsia’s young students are beginning to do. In introducing a model of prosocial behaviour, our humane education program is freeing the natural empathy children have for animals, and allowing them to speak up on behalf of others.
Educators, copywriters and graphic designers joined forces with ACTAsia to produce a special video for our Caring for Life Education programme.
The fur industry has been condemned for the animal cruelty, environmental destruction and the dangers to human health it entails. As a result, Europe is gradually adopting a more fur free stance. Will China follow?
This year, our Fur Free Life campaign has taken a new focus. While animal suffering and the lack of animal protection legislation remain at the heart of our campaign for a Fur Free Life, our educational publicity recently concentrated on the serious health risks for wearers of fur.
At the start of our tenth anniversary year, we are proud to review the progress ACTAsia has made in 2015. As we reach towards the next generation of children, vets, teachers and consumers, we are sure that by supporting the act of compassion, compassion is beginning to speak for itself.
ACTAsia sent out the following Press Release in China with billboard advertising to encourage a Fur Free Life: “Poisons could be slowly killing you and your children. Not through your food or through the air but now through clothing – fur clothing.”
ACTAsia raises awareness about the exploitation of people, animals and the environment in consumer product industries. With China being the largest producer of fur in the world, it is now more than ever of paramount importance to cultivate compassionate consumers who will choose an alternative and cruelty free lifestyle.