Two Orangutans Rescued from Forest Fire in West Borneo
The orangutans were found clinging desperately to the last trees standing in the middle of a burnt area of rainforest.
The orangutans were found clinging desperately to the last trees standing in the middle of a burnt area of rainforest.
A female brown bear who was kept caged for more than a decade as a tourist attraction has finally returned to freedom along with her two young cubs.
A petition has been launched to rescue three bears locked behind bars at a restaurant in Armenia. The owner uses them to attract visitors and tourists to his restaurant and refuses to surrender them.
The two orangutans were rescued from captivity, rehabilitated, and released in 2017. They have become a loving couple and are thriving, living free, and learning from each other.
The rehabilitation process from the time of rescue to release is a lengthy and costly one. After years of rehabilitation, six orangutans have been returned to freedom in the Bornean rainforest.
Ten critically endangered Javan slow lorises are in intensive care after being confiscated from poachers. It is not uncommon for lorises to die from stress, dehydration, and malnutrition as a result of being kept and transported in cramped, dirty boxes.
After losing her mother, little Anggun was in need of a mother figure to guide her through the early stages of her life. It is hoped that this relationship will be a long and close one, and that together the two orangutans can embark on a new life back in a protected forest far from human habitation.
The two bears were being kept in absolutely shocking conditions in a barren and filthy cage in a bus depot. The rescue was a particularly challenging one because of the enormous size of the male bear. Now the bears are safe in the rescue center, where they can be given the treatment and care they have been deprived of for so long.
Every year, wild bears are illegally caught by poachers in Armenia. Once captured, many of them end up kept as tourist attractions in small, squalid cages in restaurants and other public entertainment venues. Read about how International Animal Rescue’s Great Bear Rescue campaign frees the bears from their suffering.
In spite of years of international outrage over the Mauritian government’s inhumane treatment of its dog population – and despite repeated offers of support from international animal-welfare groups – the country is still using a barbaric and ineffective method of dog control.