Author Scientific Press Releases

Animal People's outlet for scientific press releases on subjects relevant to animal protection, from universities and other institutions not themselves registered on the Forum. All articles have been made publicly available by their authors, and contain information of value to animal protection causes: on habitat destruction and species extinction; evidence for animal intelligence, sentience, and suffering; negative impacts of animal exploitation industries; and others. Publication does not imply that Animal People condones the research or methods described, nor that the institution or researchers endorse the Animal People Forum. Click to see author's profile.


Male and female chimpanzees achieve social status in dramatically different ways. While males actively challenge their superiors to win higher rank, females accept their position in the social pecking order, waiting until more senior group members die before moving up the ladder.


As more of Southeast Asia’s natural forests are cleared and converted into plantations for growing oil palm, rubber and other tree crops, a Duke University-led study finds that 42 percent of species endemic to the region’s forests face a much higher risk of extinction from habitat loss than previously thought.

Current Events

For the world’s coral reefs, the picture keeps getting gloomier. Although it’s widely assumed that both local and global factors are contributing to their decline, new research from UNC-Chapel Hill shows that isolated reefs far from human activities are in fact not healthier than those in more densely populated areas.