A Walk Across Australia to Help Working Animals
One woman and her dog are walking 4,000 kilometers across Australia in order to raise funds and awareness for abused and overworked working animals all over the world.
One woman and her dog are walking 4,000 kilometers across Australia in order to raise funds and awareness for abused and overworked working animals all over the world.
A collection of programs helps ease the suffering of donkeys in Tanzania, including veterinary clinics, a sanctuary, and humane education sessions for donkey caretakers.
There are approximately 3,000 street dogs in Mannar, Sri Lanka, and many are in very poor condition. The new center will provide shelter and veterinary care for dogs and other animals, as well as running a street dog and cat sterilization program.
Animal Aid Abroad shares information and photos from a recent two-week free working equine clinic in Indonesia.
In Nicaragua, a free veterinary clinic for working animals treated 456 horses. In Zimbabwe, partners are addressing harness wounds caused by improper care, including the use of barbed wire to attach donkeys to carts.
At Pushkar Fair, traders and villagers from all over Rajasthan and neighboring states gather with thousands of camels for trading. This year, a week-long Camel Treatment Camp was organized to offer free veterinary care to the camels and provide information to their handlers about camel health and welfare.
Working animals are being severely mistreated every day. As the year comes to a close, AAA provides photos and stories from three important projects that help suffering working animals in Indonesia, Tanzania, and Nicaragua.
A report from Pegasus Sanctuary in Israel, where a rescued donkey has recently given birth to a foal, and financial struggles threaten the important work being done to help horses and donkeys in need.
Animal Aid Abroad reports on their partnership with Friendicoes, who work tirelessly to improve the health and lives of working equines. Frendicoes uses their Mobile Equine Ambulance to treat equines in and around Delhi and has over 2,500 working equines in its care.