Cruel massacre of dogs by Penang Town Council
The town council of Penang, Malaysia is killing dogs cruelly and indiscriminately, targeting both stray dogs and licensed pets, even though the region has been free of rabies for more than two years.
The town council of Penang, Malaysia is killing dogs cruelly and indiscriminately, targeting both stray dogs and licensed pets, even though the region has been free of rabies for more than two years.
Don’t buy anything that has animal-based fabrics. Even a small leather pull tab or silk lining still fuels demand for cruelty. Use this guide to make sure that the clothes you find and like are also animal-free.
Serenity Park is a unique sanctuary where wounded warriors and wounded parrots find a path of healing together. Dr. Lorin Lindner’s new book, Birds of a Feather, is a love story between veterans and the birds they nurse back to health.
Find out why Canada continues to subsidize seal hunting, how some “rescue” groups actually support dog breeding, why the end of Australian live export may soon be in sight, and more in the latest episode of Animal People World News!
To effectively combat the hunting industry, animal advocates must put aside all sentiment and focus on the money, in order to convince African governments that hunting is a wasteful use of land and that rural economies will benefit far more from non-consumptive ecotourism.
New York City Mayor De Blasio announces Staten Island’s deer population has dropped 8 percent, pointing to early success for the city’s sterilization study. After two years, birth rates have also fallen by half, and reductions are expected to continue.
‘Defending Palestine: Liberating the People, the Land, and Animals’ will not be a traditional conference. It will focus on the shared struggle for land and liberation for all species in occupied Palestine, May 3 through May 6, 2018.
Animals are not objects without feelings – their feelings are similar to ours. Although you on your own might not be able to stop industries that exploit animals, you can still make changes in your daily life that will help.
Find out why the U.K. Parliament is considering a ban on fur sales, why Yellowstone National Park is slaughtering endangered bison, what a landmark court case in Indonesia means for wildlife trafficking, and more in the latest episode of Animal People World News!