Palm Oil and Animal Rights: How you can combat the destruction of wild animals’ habitat
While palm oil can be defined as vegan because it contains no animal substances, the industry that produces it is by no means cruelty free.
While palm oil can be defined as vegan because it contains no animal substances, the industry that produces it is by no means cruelty free.
Pennsylvania’s new tough penalties are the result of Libre’s Law, passed this year after a Boston Terrier named Libre was found emaciated and suffering from sepsis and mange at a farm in Lancaster County.
You and your friends that you hold so dear
Jump over each other in total fear
So what do I say to you, stranger,
When I know that you are in danger?
The Vancouver Aquarium’s plan to separate two nursing walrus pups from their mother is a cruel commercial ploy insensitive to the animals’ needs.
By using an innocent cow as a divisive political symbol and attacking Help in Suffering’s rescue team, ‘cow vigilantes’ have harmed innumerable animals in Jaipur, India.
Animal Kingdom Foundation rescues dogs from slaughter for meat, and provides them with a better life at its Animal Rescue and Rehabilitation Center.
The 10th Asia for Animals conference gets underway this coming Saturday in the Nepali capital Kathmandu, and this year’s theme is Changing Human Behaviour.
None of the existing role players in conservation understand what is required to save Africa’s vanishing wilderness. The issue is just too broad and deep – and politically charged.
The cultural significance of meat, coupled with our supposed ‘love’ of animals, demonstrate a fragile paradox advertisers have responded to in order to continue selling animal products.
For PAL, animal liberation cannot be divorced from anti-colonialism, Palestinian liberation and solidarity, and defense of the land and all the life that it supports.
Whatever work one does for animals, we are all united by the common hope that someday animals will be recognised as more than just property. FIAPO is preparing a new campaign to pursue legal rights for animals in India.
Harrell Graham’s Dog Care Field Manual provides detailed recommendations for crisis care that almost anyone can give when the nearest veterinarian is many miles and hours away.