Guardian of the Forest
Some say Creator of Mankind.
What do you think
About the destruction of your forests?
Guardian of the Forest
Some say Creator of Mankind.
What do you think
About the destruction of your forests?
In this booklet, sponsored by Animal People and endorsed by Al-Azhar University, Dr. Kristen Stilt shows the amazing range of animal welfare and protection required by Islamic law, and asks Muslims to follow the rules of animal welfare that the religion requires.
Have you ever seen the rays of the sun seep through the cracks of the trees and their leaves in a forest? That was who she was, a ray of hope through the challenges placed before me. Who was she? A horse used in the name of ‘science’, but rejected once she became ‘useless’. Broken, hurt and lost.
Asia for Animals calls on Lotte Mart to cease all sales of dog meat in its supermarkets in China, in light of the animal cruelty, public health risks, and criminality inherent at every stage of the dog meat industry supply chain.
On September 12th, Muslims around the world will celebrate the Eid al Adha by ritually slaughtering animals. But is animal sacrifice actually required by Islam? A number of Muslim scholars argue that ritual slaughter as practiced today is unnecessary and possibly even haram (forbidden).
Sheikh Muhammad Sayed Tantawi’s 2008 fatwa, or Islamic legal ruling, states unequivocally that cruelty to animals during transport or slaughter is haram (forbidden) under Islamic law. Animal People here offers the fatwa as a resource for Muslim practitioners, animal activists, scholars, and the general public.
I picked up the cat, now named Bells, and told her that we would fix her. She looked at me with those sad eyes and did not retaliate when I placed her into the pet carrier. Who on earth would do such a thing to a cat? Yes you had the guts, but how in the world does one manage to have the heart?