POETRY: The Great Symphony
Dawn breaks.
The chorus begins
The leaves rustle
The wind plays.
Dawn breaks.
The chorus begins
The leaves rustle
The wind plays.
As part of a student survey for a final year research project at the Royal Veterinary College, London, I am interested in public perception of welfare standards for egg laying hens (layers) in the UK.
The 265 animals in Yemen’s Taiz Zoo, including rare leopards, haven’t been fed for days. The government is rejecting proposals to save them.
In this episode, find out the latest victory against dog meat in South Korea, and why the battle is still far from over. Also discover how fur farming in Japan came to a permanent end, why wildlife rangers around the world are being murdered by poachers, and more!
Christmas underscores the emotive power of the amazing animals with whom we share our world. The birth of Christ is a prime opportunity to remember that Christmas is not just about humanity. Rather, the arrival of the infant Christ promises cosmic, restorative consequences for the whole of creation.
While in Nepal, Animal People had the honor of meeting Doctor Jane Goodall, who kindly agreed to an interview on the significance of her work for humans’ relationship with other animals.
A hush of fear,
Wonder, hope,
That the light will return
And save us from darkness
And death…
Circus owner, Brian Boswell, is challenging the legality of elephant protection laws after his attempt to sell African elephants to a zoo in the United Arab Emirates was blocked by wildlife authorities.
Asia for Animals calls on the government of Indonesia to investigate Ragunan Zoo and address problems identified as causing animals to suffer.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJrh4Dz2UV8 Learn more about the use of animal fat in the UK’s new five-pound notes,…
Asia for Animals calls on Indonesia’s government to investigate and put an end to cruel treatment of wild animals at Taman Safari facilities.
Please join me now in performing this poem.