Actions to End the Dog Meat Trade Finally Underway in Indonesia
Recent moves to end dog meat eating in an area of Central Java are expected to save 2,000 dogs a month.
Recent moves to end dog meat eating in an area of Central Java are expected to save 2,000 dogs a month.
Research demonstrates a direct link between animal cruelty and interpersonal violence, including intimate partner abuse, child abuse, and elder abuse.
In Washington state, wild wolves are exhibiting their natural behavior, preying on cattle, and are being killed for it. These actions harm wolves, waste tax dollars, and don’t even work to deter depredations.
Animal protection is one of the fastest developing areas of public interest law. This new clinic will be able to leverage all of Harvard University’s strengths and resources to train a new generation of leaders for the animal protection movement.
Fur-Ever Wild is a Minnesota-based business that displays wolves and other wildlife in a roadside zoo, breeds wolf pups for petting interactions, and later skins the wolves for their pelts, which are sold for a profit.
It is in in interest of everyone, including animal NGOs, pet care companies and other stakeholders, to collaborate and work together to address, and end, pet homelessness.
A new report urges the imposition of trade suspensions against Mexico for its failure to protect the critically endangered vaquita from illegal fishing and trade in the totoaba, a large fish found in Mexico’s Gulf of California.
Where do we draw the line on hazards of the job when the workers are animals and have no choice in the matter?
In the Philippines, rufous-headed hornbills have been driven to the brink of extinction by hunting and deforestation. But thanks to a new project, they are celebrated among local people, and have kicked off a movement to restore the area’s forests.
Like circuses, zoos are a sign of their time, and the time where we think keeping animals in cages is entertaining or appropriate should be coming to an end.
South Africa’s captive lion industry is massive and exploitative, and mercilessly turns lions into profit in a number of ways. We discussed this issue in an interview with the team behind the award-winning documentary Blood Lions.
Every year, fins from up to 73 million sharks enter the global shark fin trade. The Shark Fin Sales Elimination Act of 2019, introduced by Senator Booker (D-NJ) would create a nationwide prohibition on the trade of shark fins in the US.