Farm Animal Well-being: A Brief Update
Beginning in the 1980s, farm animal well-being slowly took over as the major focus of animal advocacy organizations. How has this affected conditions for farm animals in different countries?
Beginning in the 1980s, farm animal well-being slowly took over as the major focus of animal advocacy organizations. How has this affected conditions for farm animals in different countries?
Is activism old news? In the light of incredibly exciting developments in the private sector, the role of advocacy may need to be re-evaluated.
South Africa’s captive lion industry is massive and exploitative, and mercilessly turns lions into profit in a number of ways. We discussed this issue in an interview with the team behind the award-winning documentary Blood Lions.
It’s time to end cage farming in Europe. This new initiative is fighting for an EU-wide ban on farrowing crates for mother sows, single-calf hutches and cages for egg-laying hens, farmed rabbits and other animals.