Browsing: Iran

Companion Animals

Hercules was neglected and in very poor health before he was rescued by Iran’s Vafa Animal Shelter. At the shelter he was able to live out his days in peace, but many dogs are not so lucky.

Companion Animals

Jaanaan was found by Vafa Animal Shelter in Iran close to death with a shoelace embedded in her neck. Thanks to the hard work of many people, now she has a loving forever home in Canada.

Companion Animals

The man who rescued the paralyzed dog off the side of the road named him Omid, a word meaning “hope” in Persian, because he saw so much hope in the dog’s eyes.

Companion Animals

Raha was badly injured by people who taped his mouth shut around fireworks and lit them. His story is one of horrible cruelty, but it’s also one of generous volunteers all over the world pulling together to help him, and of Raha’s beautiful ability to trust and love humans even after he was harmed so badly.

Companion Animals

Founding Vafa ran counter to the dominant culture and it was thus not taken seriously. When people heard of what Vafa did for dogs, their response was likely to be mockery or even disbelief. Without water or electricity, without financial backing and with limited human resources, it had to face many difficulties in the beginning. But things changed.