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Tobias Leenaert / The Vegan Strategist wrote a new post, Why Humans Disappearing From the Planet Could Be a Very Bad Thing For Animals 3 years, 9 months ago
Many people who care about animals (be they farmed/domesticated or wild) or the environment seem to think that these animals or the planet would be better off without humans. I want to argue here why humans […]
Tobias Leenaert / The Vegan Strategist wrote a new post, How to Be a Non-Judgmental Vegan 3 years, 11 months ago
Vegans often get told they are judgmental. Judging others is a very human thing, and for mere mortals, it is probably more or less impossible to be non-judgmental all of the time. So yes, just like anyone else, v […]
Tobias Leenaert / The Vegan Strategist wrote a new post, What It's Like to Be a Meat Eater: On “Confirmation Bias Cheering” 4 years, 1 month ago
We believe that by being vegan, we’re doing a good thing. We’d like others to do the same good thing. But we can’t force others to do as we do. There is no way to make the consumption of animal products illega […]
Tobias Leenaert / The Vegan Strategist wrote a new post, That’s Disgusting: Should Animal Activists Aim for the Stomach? 4 years, 3 months ago
In 1906, American journalist Upton Sinclair published his book The Jungle. With it, he wanted to raise awareness about the terrible working conditions and lives of immigrant workers in the meat industry in his co […]
Tobias Leenaert / The Vegan Strategist wrote a new post, When Veganism Becomes Angry-ism 4 years, 7 months ago
Vegans, let’s talk about our anger.
Most of us vegans are pretty angry and upset at what’s happening to animals, and we have good reasons to be. We have reason to be angry at the indifference that most peo […]
Tobias Leenaert / The Vegan Strategist wrote a new post, Would You Press a Button to Make Humanity Go Extinct? 4 years, 7 months ago
Warning: this post contains ideas that some people may find irritatingly optimistic, as well as some big, long-term ideas that some may find ludicrous. Please set your mind to “open” before reading furthe […]
Tobias Leenaert / The Vegan Strategist wrote a new post, Into the Wild: Animal Dilemmas After Moving to the Countryside 4 years, 9 months ago
In early 2019, my girlfriend Melanie and I exchanged our city of Ghent, Belgium for the countryside. Belgium is a very small and very densely populated country, so you’re never really far from civilization. W […]
Tobias Leenaert / The Vegan Strategist wrote a new post, With the Rising Success of Vegan Businesses, Should the Role of Vegan Advocacy Change? 4 years, 11 months ago
One distinction we can make in all sorts of initiatives that are making a difference for farm animals is the distinction between non-profit initiatives (basically activism or advocacy) and for-profit ones […]
Tobias Leenaert / The Vegan Strategist wrote a new post, Turning Adversaries into Allies: An Interview with Leah Garcés 5 years, 2 months ago
Leah Garcés is the Director of Mercy For Animals, and previously launched and headed Compassion in World Farming in the United States. Recently, Leah also published the book Grilled: Turning Adversaries Into A […]
Tobias Leenaert / The Vegan Strategist wrote a new post, Why the Animal Protection Movement Will Win 5 years, 5 months ago
Animal liberation is maybe the biggest and most challenging social justice issue that humans have ever taken on. The stakes are high, the steaks are on every table, and the task seems incredibly daunting. Yet I […]
Tobias Leenaert / The Vegan Strategist wrote a new post, Finding Your Activist Sweet Spot 5 years, 5 months ago
Sometimes people ask me for ideas or advice about how exactly they could or should help animals. They are trying to find out what kind of activism fits them best.
Basically, I think we need to find some kind o […]
Tobias Leenaert / The Vegan Strategist wrote a new post, Slaughterhouse Workers: The Meat Industry’s Other Victims 5 years, 6 months ago
Kristina Mering is an MA student of sociology at Estonia’s Tallinn University, and has conducted interviews with slaughterhouse workers about their attitudes towards animals and their job. She did this at the […]
Tobias Leenaert / The Vegan Strategist wrote a new post, The Fetish of Being Vegan 5 years, 7 months ago
The longer I live in the vegan movement, the more I have the impression that most of us have a kind of vegan fetish, believing that eating one hundred percent vegan is more important than anything else, either in […]
Tobias Leenaert / The Vegan Strategist wrote a new post, Unexpected Ways to Help Farmed Animals: An Interview with Joey Savoie of Charity Entrepreneurship 5 years, 7 months ago
Charity Entrepreneurship (CE) is a research and training program aimed at creating multiple high impact charities within a different focus area each year. They are part of Charity Science Foundation of Canada. In […]
Tobias Leenaert / The Vegan Strategist wrote a new post, The Meat Motivated Mind: An Interview with Dr. Jared Piazza 5 years, 9 months ago
Dr. Jared Piazza is a lecturer at Lancaster University in the United Kingdom. His research focuses on moral decision making, including how people think about the moral value of animals. Jared and his […]
Tobias Leenaert / The Vegan Strategist wrote a new post, Getting Out of Our Vegan Crater: On the Inbreeding of Vegan Ideas 5 years, 9 months ago
The Ngorongoro crater in Tanzania formed when an ancient volcano erupted a long time ago. The crater is 600 meters deep and covers an area of 260 square kilometers. It is home to a very dense population of Masai […]
Tobias Leenaert / The Vegan Strategist wrote a new post, These Meat Companies are Giving up on Producing Meat 5 years, 9 months ago
I firmly believe that plant based foods will replace meat and dairy more and more, and that at some point in the future, people will hardly even believe there was a time when we ate animals.
Now and then, we […]
Tobias Leenaert / The Vegan Strategist wrote a new post, How to Veganize Other People 5 years, 10 months ago
Many vegans are looking for the ideal way to make other people go vegan. Often, they are targeting good friends, family, or even their significant other. Not infrequently, they get quite frustrated when their […]
Tobias Leenaert / The Vegan Strategist wrote a new post, Is Clean Meat the Animals’ Best Hope? An Interview With Paul Shapiro 5 years, 11 months ago
I have known Paul Shapiro since he ran Compassion Over Killing in Washington DC, together with his wonderful three legged dog, George. From that position, Paul went on to be a Humane Society of the United […]
Tobias Leenaert / The Vegan Strategist wrote a new post, There’s Nothing Wrong With Being a “Vegan Apologist” 5 years, 11 months ago
You may have heard the term “apologist vegan” or “vegan apologist.” Maybe you’ve even been called one. But what is it, exactly?
I googled around a bit in search of descriptions or definitions, and the gist of i […]
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