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  • alex posted an update 8 years, 1 month ago

    In a winter cold do not forget about freezing homeless animals. Do not close an aperture in basements that cats could get and be heated there. At the same time they will relieve a cellar of rats and the mice carrying dangerous infections. On a cold and without meal animals quickly freeze and perish. Having seen in the street a homeless seal feed…[Read more]

  • В мороз и холод СМЕРТЬ наступает у собак через 17 часов, у кошек через 6 часов голодания…

    Left outside in the frost and cold, death occurs after 17 hours for dogs, and 6 hours for cats…

    Для Тебя это — […]

    • 1 person likes this.
    • В мороз и холод СМЕРТЬ наступает у собак через 17 часов, у кошек через 6 часов голодания…

  • alex posted an update 8 years, 6 months ago

    Кошка — магическое животное

    Кошка — одно из самых магических животных на земле. Аура ее настолько велика, что охватывает не только конкретного человека, но и его семью, дом и территорию, которую кошка считает своей. Поэтому нужно понимать, что когда кошка трется о ваши ноги, то она не только ластится, пытаясь добиться своего, это значит е…[Read more]

  • alex posted an update 8 years, 7 months ago


    Cat – one of the most magic animals on the earth.

    There is nobody a secret, that cats and kittens happen the diversified colourings.

    But many do not know, that colour of a cat bears strong influence on the person and can change its destiny.

    The cat with white pads – involves a material prospe…[Read more]

    • 1 person likes this.
  • (Featured image: three dogs on a blanket in the streets of Moscow. Credit Kim Bartlett – Animal People, Inc.)
    “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” […]

  • alex posted an update 8 years, 7 months ago

    On August, 20th
    The world day of homeless animals

    It is possible to measure moral progress of the nation by that,
    As this nation concerns animals.
    Махатма Ганди

    On the third Saturday of August the World day of homeless animals (International Homeless Animals Day) is celebrated. Date has appeared in a calendar at the initiative of the Internation…[Read more]

    • 1 person likes this.
    • Hi Alex, I assumed that you would like this post to be seen by a maximum number of people while it is still August 20th, so I went ahead and published it as an article at Please let me know if you have any problem with this and I will take it down. Also, I sent you an e-mail regarding suggested edits to the…[Read more]

      • alex replied 9 years ago

        Thanks big, very much to you I will be grateful to you it is grateful if you also place this post.
        We address to people who love animals and cannot pass by the thrown dog or a cat who remained in the street because of people. For our city it is the big trouble as our city northern and unique way on continent is the plane. But far each person which…[Read more]

      • alex replied 9 years ago

        Is not present on mail the letter did not come, send once again

        • I just e-mailed it to you again. Let me know if you still don’t receive it.

          • alex replied 9 years ago

            Good afternoon. Yes we volunteers select the thrown animals and we distribute among kind people. We feed, we treat we put inoculations to sterilise while there is no financial possibility.

          • alex replied 9 years ago

            And you have a possibility to place reference to the share has fallen also our reference to people?

  • alex posted an update 8 years, 7 months ago

    The oldest cat on light was Puss, from England which has died in 1939 a day later after 36th birthday.

    • 3 people like this.
  • alex posted an update 8 years, 7 months ago

    We address to people who love animals and cannot pass by the thrown dog or a cat who remained in the street because of people. For our city it is the big trouble as our city northern and unique way on continent is the plane. But far each person which leaves can take with itself an animal for financial or other reason. And as the result sharply…[Read more]

  • alex became a registered member 9 years ago