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FinleyB wrote a new post, Take Action Against Export of Baby Elephants from Zimbabwe to China! 6 years ago
Absolutely heart-wrenching news is coming out of Zimbabwe, as baby elephants from the wild are again being torn from their families and habitats for export to captivity in China. According to Conservation Action […]
FinleyB wrote a new post, Hawaii's Circus Ban is Only the Beginning of the Fight to Protect Performing Animals 6 years, 2 months ago
Huge progress is being made for performing animals in the United States, as Hawaii just became the second state to ban exotic animals in circuses. The only other state to enact a complete ban on exotic animal […]
FinleyB wrote a new post, Help New Jersey Ban The Use Of Exotic Animals In Circuses 6 years, 3 months ago
The state of New Jersey is very close to banning the use of exotic animals in circuses. This is huge news, as so far the only states in the United States (U.S.) to enact bans on the use of elephants in circus […]
FinleyB wrote a new post, New Jersey: Ban the Use of Exotic Animals in the Circus! 7 years ago
In 2017, Illinois and New York became the first states in the U.S. to ban circus elephant acts. This means that any circus that still uses elephants can no longer perform anywhere in the entire state of Illinois […]
FinleyB became a registered member 7 years, 1 month ago
Against Export of Baby Elephants from Zimbabwe to China!