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Daphne Koller wrote a new post, Is There a Risk of Pets Spreading COVID-19? 4 years, 4 months ago
In the wake of COVID-19, people are finding themselves with many unanswered questions. There is still a lot of uncertainty over exactly how the virus is spreading. There are no medicines to cure the virus, so […]
Daphne Koller changed their profile picture 5 years ago
Daphne Koller's profile was updated 5 years ago
The pets owner must quarantine their pets no need for walks,no need to allow them to play with other fellow animals. We have a cat and he likes to go outside and play with his friends but since 29th January he didn’t stepped outside we are giving him strict guard so that he can’t escape from home. We are doing this not only because we are worried to be effected by COVID-19 but also of losing him because in our eyes he is not a cat but our child. And I know same must be practiced by other pet owners who consider thier animals as thier children.