Crowds and Flash Photography Make Captive Chimpanzees Anxious
This study provides further evidence that zoos cannot provide an adequate environment for those held captive within them.
This study provides further evidence that zoos cannot provide an adequate environment for those held captive within them.
Now in its 16th year, the list reveals practices that harmed and killed elephants in zoos across North America in 2019. Pittsburgh Zoo in Pennsylvania is ranked as the #1 worst zoo.
There’s nothing fun about selfies taken with bears in chains, on the back of an elephant or petting lion cubs. Animal welfare should not stop on holiday.
Many people are interested in owning a wolf-dog hybrid or other exotic pet, but they are unprepared to care for them. This means many end up abandoned or neglected.
The lies propagated by the captive dolphin industry help to allow this cruel and ridiculous practice to go on.
Despite zoos’ claims that they exist for educational value, a study found that most children who visited a zoo didn’t learn or feel empowered to help with conservation.
The overwhelming conclusion of a captive elephant conference held recently in South Africa was that no new elephants should be placed in captivity and elephants currently in captivity should be rewilded.
The lawsuit is attempting to obtain information about the zoo’s two elephants, who are held separately in solitary confinement, in defiance of every recommendation regarding the social needs of elephants.
Despite more than five years of non-compliance proceedings, there has been virtually no progress in Laos in relation to its pledge to phase out tiger farms. It’s now time for CITES trade sanctions
An estimated 79% of animals in UK aquariums were caught in the wild. Many die during capture, transportation, and following importation.
Undercover research shows birds of prey in UK zoos are routinely tied down to the ground for long hours, can be effectively starved until they perform in flying displays and live in poor conditions.
United States zoos now plan to import baby elephants from Zimbabwe, undeterred by the international uproar over their 2016 import of 18 wild elephants from Swaziland.