Animal Welfare and Biodiversity: A Brief Primer on the Post-2020 Biodiversity Framework
Animal welfare is closely intertwined with many of the issues under negotiation in the CBD’s new Biodiversity Framework.
Animal welfare is closely intertwined with many of the issues under negotiation in the CBD’s new Biodiversity Framework.
The bill would help to curb an inhumane global trade that claims the lives of 73 million sharks each year.
The filmmaker and investigative journalist shares his perspective on how the wildlife trade is changing, why enforcement of laws that protect wildlife is so lacking, and why we can’t rely on CITES to protect wild animals.
In defiance of a global moratorium on commercial whaling, Norway has again issued an annual kill quota of 1,278 minke whales for the 2021 whaling season.
A new study demonstrates that legalized trade and commercial breeding of wild animals stimulates demand, encourages poachers and smugglers and ultimately pushes species towards extinction in the wild.
“Nobody has shone the spotlight on the industry, its power or the slaughter that it is responsible for before. This is what I am seeking to do.”
In this fictional short story, an activist hatches a grand plan to take down poachers in Zimbabwe.
In an interview with Casey Mclean, we discussed the need for a marine wildlife hospital, how humans are negatively impacting marine animals, and what changes these animals need from us so they can survive and thrive.
Two women thought they were helping by hand-rearing cubs, until they learned some sinister truths. Now they run a sanctuary for big cats born victim to an exploitative industry.
Bushmeat consumption has devastated the populations of hundreds of wildlife species and been linked to the spread of zoological diseases such as the Ebola virus.
See select images from the new book HIDDEN, which compiles the work of forty photojournalists who document animal lives.
Will the South African government and its high-level panel finally accept the overwhelming evidence that captive lion breeding should be stopped?