Greek Activists Work to Help Animals During COVID-19 Pandemic
Greek organization PFPO has been working hard to reduce the impact of the quarantine on animals, including providing food for stray cats and dogs.
Greek organization PFPO has been working hard to reduce the impact of the quarantine on animals, including providing food for stray cats and dogs.
Instead of despairing that the loss of economic growth is the end of civilization, we should embrace these limits and get to work building a new society.
ANIMAL PEOPLE affirms that Black Lives Matter, and calls on animal protection activists to also stand up for human rights in the face of oppression and persecution.
One woman and her dog are walking 4,000 kilometers across Australia in order to raise funds and awareness for abused and overworked working animals all over the world.
Pre-emptive action is needed now to halt the spread of the coronavirus and stop the next pandemic. Shut down slaughterhouses and factory farms!
The sensationalism obscured what the main focus of the series should have been: that the abuse of privately-owned big cats is a serious problem, and that legislation must be put in place to fix it.
In the United States, wild bears are being killed for their gallbladders due to the global bear bile trade.
“Forward-thinking researchers are moving forward with humane, human-relevant cures for COVID-19 because the world cannot afford to be hampered by the results of bogus and outdated animal experiments.”
As staffing numbers dwindle during this pandemic, which they undoubtedly will, and assurance schemes postpone inspections, current poor animal welfare standards are likely to become even worse.
As COVID-19 plagues the US, large meat companies and the USDA continue to put slaughterhouse workers’ lives in jeopardy and completely disregard animal welfare.
A Bornean orangutan named Alba, who is believed to be the only albino orangutan alive in the world, is thriving in the rainforest where she was released more than a year ago.
Typically, potential vaccines undergo extensive animal testing before use in human clinical trials. In their urgency for developing a COVID-19 vaccine, some researchers are skipping this step, exposing animal testing for what it is: wasteful, unnecessary and inapplicable to humans.