Many Aquarium Animals Come From the Wild
An estimated 79% of animals in UK aquariums were caught in the wild. Many die during capture, transportation, and following importation.
An estimated 79% of animals in UK aquariums were caught in the wild. Many die during capture, transportation, and following importation.
Undercover research shows birds of prey in UK zoos are routinely tied down to the ground for long hours, can be effectively starved until they perform in flying displays and live in poor conditions.
The Association of Zoos and Aquariums has announced that it will phase out the use of bullhooks—cruel weapons used on captive elephants to force them to do the bidding of human masters.
In the video, the elephants are forced to perform tricks and show signs of immense stress. Once again, this shows that entertainment trumps while the elephants’ welfare is pushed aside.
Fur-Ever Wild is a Minnesota-based business that displays wolves and other wildlife in a roadside zoo, breeds wolf pups for petting interactions, and later skins the wolves for their pelts, which are sold for a profit.
Like circuses, zoos are a sign of their time, and the time where we think keeping animals in cages is entertaining or appropriate should be coming to an end.
South Africa’s captive lion industry is massive and exploitative, and mercilessly turns lions into profit in a number of ways. We discussed this issue in an interview with the team behind the award-winning documentary Blood Lions.
A campaign led by Chilean veterinarians has made progress towards a total ban on dog racing, based on the inherent cruelty involved and the fact that dog racing does not qualify as a sport.
In a vicious display of animal cruelty, employees of Cabela’s outdoor recreation goods store were recently filmed stomping and crushing fish to death. Join us in urging Audubon to denounce fish torture at Cabela’s and Bass Pro Shop stores!
A female brown bear who was kept caged for more than a decade as a tourist attraction has finally returned to freedom along with her two young cubs.
Shriners International is likely the largest institutional supporter of animal circuses in the United States. Tell Shriners International and Shriners everywhere to stop abusing elephants in circuses now!
Owners breed speculatively, hoping to produce an ‘X Factor’ champion. When horses come up short – as most inevitably will – there is a good chance that they will be disposed of.