The Wool Industry Means Suffering for Sheep
Inhumane practices are the norm in the wool industry, which is anything but benign.
Inhumane practices are the norm in the wool industry, which is anything but benign.
This is why “Adopt, Don’t Shop” is so important. Commercial dog breeders and puppy mills treat dogs as things or units of production and profit is their first priority.
Capturing and confining dolphins and orcas in restrictive concrete pools is killing them—physically and psychologically. Don’t support captive animal entertainment.
We need to create new wildlife management policies and practices that do not include hunting and killing, but that instead incorporate the intrinsic value and interests of individual animals, species populations, and entire ecosystems.
There have been unprecedented declines in pollinator populations in recent years, largely due to pesticide use and habitat loss. Here’s what you can do to help.
Here’s why you should visit an animal sanctuary or watch a nature documentary before you ever give your money to a zoo or safari park.
All forms of entertainment that use captive wild animals to perform for humans are full of endless stress and suffering for the animals.
It’s one cruel industry feeding another: mares are forcibly impregnated and aborted in order to draw their blood, which is used to get sows pregnant sooner so they will have a higher number of piglets who are born to die.
Dog racing is a deeply unethical industry that abuses, uses, exploits and kills dogs purely for profit.
More than 100 million animals are used in research and product testing in the United States every year. These millions of animals experience great physical and mental suffering, and there are few laws that protect them.
Slaughtered horses come from every industry: race horses, show horses, carriage horses, and draft horses, as well as wild mustangs and backyard pets. The slaughter pipeline is the disposing place for unwanted horses.
Whether you are new to animal advocacy or a seasoned animal activist, it’s important that your advocacy efforts are as effective as possible.