Fish Have Feelings Too!
Fish are social animals with their own unique personalities, and they are far more intelligent than they are given credit for.
Fish are social animals with their own unique personalities, and they are far more intelligent than they are given credit for.
This study provides further evidence that zoos cannot provide an adequate environment for those held captive within them.
As of January 20th, circuses performing in England will no longer be allowed to use wild animals as part of their act.
Pubs around the United Kingdom are using live reindeer and other animals at holiday events. Using animals in this way sends a message that animals are props, rather than living beings.
Despite zoos’ claims that they exist for educational value, a study found that most children who visited a zoo didn’t learn or feel empowered to help with conservation.
An estimated 79% of animals in UK aquariums were caught in the wild. Many die during capture, transportation, and following importation.
Undercover research shows birds of prey in UK zoos are routinely tied down to the ground for long hours, can be effectively starved until they perform in flying displays and live in poor conditions.