
  • posted an update 7 years, 11 months ago

    We have met on our website the new petition (you can also order it in English by Email) against the commercial and individual announcement for selling all kinds of animals on internet without any control. Many Swiss politicians and artists and Brigitte Bardot, Laura Chaplin etc give us support and have already signed the petition. We will pas it in mai 2017 to the Swiss governement and parliament.
    You can also sign the petition (in French) on
    Thank you for your solidarity

    • Would you like to publish an article about your petition, along with a link to it, on the Animal People Forum? That could be a good way to raise awareness and increase the number of signatures. You can submit an article by clicking “Submit” from the top or righthand menus on this website, or e-mailing it to me at (I’m the director of Animal People, BTW).