Omid the Miracle Dog
The man who rescued the paralyzed dog off the side of the road named him Omid, a word meaning “hope” in Persian, because he saw so much hope in the dog’s eyes.
The man who rescued the paralyzed dog off the side of the road named him Omid, a word meaning “hope” in Persian, because he saw so much hope in the dog’s eyes.
Slowly, the tiny ball in the wooden crate began to unwind. His scales moved and a pointy nose followed by two black button eyes emerged. Natalie was entranced. The baby pangolin unwrapped his tail, held out his front legs and gazed at her, asking to be picked up. It was love at first sight.
Part three of this series explains why, from an ethical point of view, we should abolish fishing and fish farming, and what it means to take part in this global campaign.
Alpert Medical School of Brown University is using live pigs to teach invasive procedures to its emergency medicine residents, in violation of federal law. The vast majority of emergency medicine residency programs in the United States and Canada use only human-based methods.
Iowa’s Ag-Gag law criminalizes undercover investigations at a broad range of animal facilities, preventing advocates from exposing animal cruelty and environmental, workers’ rights, and food safety violations. The law achieved its goal of suppressing undercover investigations; no investigations have taken place since the law’s passage in 2012.
The Veterinary Service Department in Egypt has killed countless numbers of free roaming dogs and cats, usually by poisoning them with strychnine or shooting them. A new amendment to Egyptian law would prohibit this practice and hopefully force authorities to consider more humane methods of population management.
This is a story about the albatross, one of the most iconic and endangered birds, about industrial fishing in the remotest ocean regions that kills them, and an astonishing experiment in machine learning which may just help to save them.
Cristina Blaj works hard to help protect neglected and abused dogs, with little outside financial support and little other than misunderstanding and disapproval from her local community. Even with an increasingly uncertain future, love and compassion pushes her to keep fighting to help these dogs in need.
We need to talk about the future of zoos. There are about 1,500 formal and many more informal zoos in the world, holding between three and four million animals, displayed for our curiosity and amusement. It’s fair to ask: to what end?
Animal Advocates from Hong Kong share about their ongoing battle to protect wild boars. Since 2013 they have made so much progress, and they are now running a petition to disband the hunting group for good!
This portion of this exhibition explains the main forms of fish exploitation: large-scale industrial fishing, aquaculture farming, the aquarium trade and so-called recreational fishing.
The Interior Department continues to push forward with an aggressive timeline for Arctic Refuge drilling that reflects the Trump administration’s eagerness to sell off our public lands to the highest bidder and allow the coastal plain of this premier wildlife refuge to be turned over to oil companies.