Browsing: hunting


“On January 23rd 2018, the South African Department of Environmental  Affairs (DEA) set out its non-detriment findings (NDF) for the African lion. This is of extreme importance to the hunting industry, since without an NDF, no lion hunts would be allowed and no lion trophies could be exported.”


A wild animal’s status as endangered or non-endangered is irrelevant from an animal rights perspective. Conservation approaches are not going to be successful in resolving the fundamental problems of how animals and humans can share the earth.


Swim deep, little seal
Man is here
Here with his nets and his clubs
Your ballet of grace means nothing to him
Dive to the sunless sea and do not return…


When I walk in the woods,
I am at peace.
I am at home.

And, yet,
Sadness is always there
Because I know
In every thorn patch,
Every hillock,
Every thicket,
Hide living beings,
Shy and fearful
Of me and my fellow man….