maral eitzen @maral Active 8 years, 8 months ago WallProfileFriends 0 View Base Name maral eitzen Account Type Organization Location (City, State/Province, Country) watertown south dakota usa Type Non-profit About Us We are running a campaign to raise the money to purchase a farm to take in animals that are at risk of being killed by shelters due to overcrowing. Please help if you can Issues of Interest Animal agriculture, Working animals, Animals in research, Bloodsports, Hunting and fishing, Animals in religion, Animal ethics and philosophy, Zoos and aquariums, Conservation, Vegetarianism, Veganism, Animal sacrifice, Humane farming, Animals in entertainment, Animals in popular culture, Humane education, Zoology, Rodents, Livestock, Nuisance animals, Wild animals, Marine animals, Mammals, Birds, Reptiles and amphibians