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Animals Asia wrote a new post, Existing Chinese laws could shut down dog and cat meat trade 7 years, 11 months ago
Eating dog or cat meat in China is not illegal, but animal lovers say the industry is so steeped in criminality that existing laws can bring it down.
China’s animal charities are determined to highlight the c […]
Animals Asia wrote a new post, Stop buying dogs in Yulin, urge Chinese animal charities to animal lovers 8 years, 9 months ago
Thirty-five Chinese Animal Charities have put their name to an open letter requesting animal rescuers no longer buy dogs at the Yulin dog meat festival.
With international and local media coverage of the […]
I am seeing a ton of this on social media right now–Look at these dogs we saved from Yulin! Yet aquariums could (and have) make the same argument when they buy dolphins from drive fisheries–we’re “saving” them.
Perhaps more dogs are being bred or captured intentionally just so Westerners will bring their cash to rescue them.
Animals Asia wrote a new post, Wildlife draft amendment is a misstep for China but changes little 9 years, 1 month ago
(Featured image: caged moon bear in Nanning, China bear farm. Animals Asia took custody of the farm and began rehabilitating the bears in April 2014. From Flickr, available under CC BY-NC 2.0)
By Dave Neale, […]
Animals Asia wrote a new post, Newborn puppies buried alive in China given new lease of life by Animals Asia 9 years, 3 months ago
(All photos courtesy Animals Asia Foundation. All rights reserved)
A group of six puppies that narrowly escaped death after being buried alive in China have been given a new lease of life by international […]
Animals Asia wrote a new post, Moon bear rescue, Vietnam 9 years, 6 months ago
2 October 2015
The slickness of our latest rescue in Vietnam surprised even me. Our teams in both China and Vietnam are superbly professional in moving bears from rusting bile farm cages and handling […]
Animals Asia became a registered member 9 years, 6 months ago