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Ali J Prince posted an update 2 years, 8 months ago
Horses do not belong in violent human politics
It is almost two years since a young woman was trampled by a horse at a protest in London. The anxious and confused animal clashed with traffic lights throwing off the officer and injuring the student nurse who later complained of constant headaches. Of course, the media retreated to its respective…[Read more] -
Ali J Prince posted an update 2 years, 10 months ago
UK Sentience Bill passes into law
In a landmark ruling, animals like lobsters, crabs, cuttlefish, shrimp, octopus and squid will be sheltered by this law which crucially distinguishes that these creatures are capable of feeling pain and aims to make provision for an ‘animal sentience committee’ which will be at liberty to hold any government pol…[Read more]
Ali J Prince wrote a new post, Hunting Exemption Shines Light on Barbaric and Antiquated Pastime 4 years, 5 months ago
“It’s a near unparalleled high, an exhilarating rush when you’re listening to the hounds and the huntsman in order to work out if the hounds have picked up a trail,” said Archie Winnington–Ingram, fox hunter.
I […]