Alba the Albino Orangutan is Thriving in the Wild
A Bornean orangutan named Alba, who is believed to be the only albino orangutan alive in the world, is thriving in the rainforest where she was released more than a year ago.
A Bornean orangutan named Alba, who is believed to be the only albino orangutan alive in the world, is thriving in the rainforest where she was released more than a year ago.
Typically, potential vaccines undergo extensive animal testing before use in human clinical trials. In their urgency for developing a COVID-19 vaccine, some researchers are skipping this step, exposing animal testing for what it is: wasteful, unnecessary and inapplicable to humans.
While the stress and isolation we are experiencing under lockdown is temporary, for the animals we exploit there is no relief from confinement.
Animals in labs suffer every day, but the COVID-19 pandemic is causing them new, unexpected cruelties. You can help by writing to the president of Wayne State.
A number of inaccuracies are circulating during the COVID-19 pandemic. Can your pets catch and give you the virus? Are pets being killed in China to contain the virus?
People from all corners of the world have had their eyes opened to the health risks and animal welfare concerns of the animal trade, and the world is watching to see what the outcome will be.
75% of emerging human infectious diseases come from animals. If we want to prevent these diseases we have to face the truth: the real culprit is how we choose to relate with and treat animals.
Fish are social animals with their own unique personalities, and they are far more intelligent than they are given credit for.
For the sake of new lipstick shades, skin creams, or shampoo formulas, animals endure torturous tests and suffer in silence in laboratories.
In the search to explain the world around us, sometimes our observations lead us to the wrong conclusions. That seems to be the case with a famous Russian experiment on domesticating foxes.
In North America, Australia and New Zealand, suspicion and outright hostility continue to plague the debate over what to do about outdoor stray and feral cats.
As part of research partly funded by the UK’s Ministry of Defence, rats were shot in the eyes and then killed, all without any form of pain relief.