Cruel Chicken Toss and Pig Chase Happen Again
At Wisconsin’s Ridgeland Pioneer Days, chickens are thrown from rooftops into crowds and terrified pigs are chased and wrestled to the ground, all for “fun.”
At Wisconsin’s Ridgeland Pioneer Days, chickens are thrown from rooftops into crowds and terrified pigs are chased and wrestled to the ground, all for “fun.”
All forms of entertainment that use captive wild animals to perform for humans are full of endless stress and suffering for the animals.
What’s missing when “animal lovers” go to zoos, swim with captive dolphins, or support other animal-exploiting attractions and industries? Empathy, respect, and awareness.
186 horses died in England in 2019 as a direct result of racing. This alarming figure shows no sign of improvement in comparison to the fatality records over recent years.
This study provides further evidence that zoos cannot provide an adequate environment for those held captive within them.
Many videos and photos of wild animals interacting with humans become viral on the Internet. Although they may seem cute or funny, they can harm animals in a number of ways.
80% of the pigeons, who are unable to fend for themselves in the wild, disappeared during the entire season.
Now in its 16th year, the list reveals practices that harmed and killed elephants in zoos across North America in 2019. Pittsburgh Zoo in Pennsylvania is ranked as the #1 worst zoo.
Dog racing is a deeply unethical industry that abuses, uses, exploits and kills dogs purely for profit.
The Safeguard American Food Exports (SAFE) Act would permanently ban horse slaughter in the U.S. and end the export of horses for slaughter abroad.
As of January 20th, circuses performing in England will no longer be allowed to use wild animals as part of their act.
There’s nothing fun about selfies taken with bears in chains, on the back of an elephant or petting lion cubs. Animal welfare should not stop on holiday.