Guatemala passes animal welfare law
Guatemala has passed a new animal protection law, hailed as one of the most comprehensive in the world. It establishes fines for animal abuse, as well as prohibits many specific forms of cruelty and exploitation.
Guatemala has passed a new animal protection law, hailed as one of the most comprehensive in the world. It establishes fines for animal abuse, as well as prohibits many specific forms of cruelty and exploitation.
Thailand’s infamous Tiger Temple, shut down on suspicion of wildlife trafficking last year, is now set to reopen under a new name. Despite the evidence from last year’s raid, the Tiger Temple has been granted a provisional zoo license by the government.
Asia for Animals calls on the government of Indonesia to join the international movement against the use and abuse of animals in performances and as photo props, and to take strong and immediate action to put an end to such exploitation.
There have been 52 cetacean deaths in 52 years in connection with the Vancouver Aquarium, with a mother and daughter beluga being the most recent. However, the Vancouver media has not been reporting the whole story and truths about the struggle to end cetacean captivity.
No matter how resourceful Riga’s outdoor cats are, they need help surviving winter. Every day we receive a cry for help, looking for a temporary or permanent home for abandoned and homeless cats. That is why we created a project: Outdoor Cat Houses.
It’s a golden moment in the Indian Animals Right Movement, as the Government body Central Zoo Authority lends its supports to put an end to the use of elephants in circuses, and to ensure their rehabilitation!
The American Museum of the House Cat is opening near Dillsboro, North Carolina on April 1st, 2017. The house cat is now said to be America’s most popular pet, and any cat lover who learns about the museum will want to visit it.
Asia for Animals calls on the government of Indonesia to join the international movement against the use and abuse of animals in performances, and to pass and enforce laws ending animal shows in captive wildlife facilities.
Asia for Animals calls on Sriwijaya Air to stop transporting dolphins on behalf of dolphin circus operators, and show opposition to the continued exploitation of dolphins within the Indonesian entertainment industry.
Historically, 75% of birds used in racing events never return. Under pressure from NSPCA, the organisers of the SAMDR pigeon race decided to cancel it and return the birds to their loft.
In this episode, find out how dogfighting was finally criminalized throughout Mexico; why India’s ban on jallikattu bull wrestling was lifted; what wildlife farming in Nepal, Egypt, and South Africa means for animal welfare and conservation; and more!
Animal protection groups in Indonesia receive tens of reports every month about animal cruelty in parks throughout the country. All because the government entrusts the wrong people to control zoos: an association which is in fact active in animal trade and exploitation.