Browsing: Africa


Will giraffes survive humanity? They are as iconic as lions, rhinos and elephants, and their long-term existence in the wild is under a similar threat. However, the world’s tallest animals get much less public attention and protection.


Hailed for their intelligence and majesty, Egyptian vultures were admired and worshiped throughout history. But decimated by poisoning, electrocution and illegal trophy hunting, the bird that was once an ancient Egyptian hieroglyph is now endangered.


OIPA Cameroon recently had the opportunity to educate the public about the proper treatment of working equines. This small-scale educational project aimed to pass on a message of compassion and caring for animals to present and future generations.


Slowly, the tiny ball in the wooden crate began to unwind. His scales moved and a pointy nose followed by two black button eyes emerged. Natalie was entranced. The baby pangolin unwrapped his tail, held out his front legs and gazed at her, asking to be picked up. It was love at first sight.


The Veterinary Service Department in Egypt has killed countless numbers of free roaming dogs and cats, usually by poisoning them with strychnine or shooting them. A new amendment to Egyptian law would prohibit this practice and hopefully force authorities to consider more humane methods of population management.

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