US House Passes Shark Fin Sales Elimination Act
The law would prohibit the sale, purchase, and possession of shark fins in the United States, helping to curb an inhumane global trade that claims the lives of 73 million sharks each year.
The law would prohibit the sale, purchase, and possession of shark fins in the United States, helping to curb an inhumane global trade that claims the lives of 73 million sharks each year.
Only 5,000-6,000 gray wolves exist in the contiguous United States, occupying less than 10 percent of their historic range. Protecting these wolves and establishing wolf populations in remaining suitable habitat is crucial to the future of the species.
A group of prominent marine mammal biologists from across the globe are requesting that Russia release the remaining 80+ beluga whales and 10 orcas held in the “whale jail” in Russia’s Far East and stop capturing orcas and belugas for sale to marine parks.
The United States Bureau of Land Management has rescinded a controversial sales policy for wild horses and burros in the United States that could have resulted in more animals being sold for slaughter in Canada and Mexico.
Currently, there are no laws or regulations in the United States designed to protect farm animals from barn fires.
For four years now, the USFWS has been dismantling one of the most successful predator reintroductions in U.S. history, that of the world’s only wild population of red wolves, in North Carolina. This decision by the court to protect red wolves from being shot and killed offers a glimmer of hope for species recovery.
After spending more than three decades slaughtering whales in defiance of an international moratorium on commercial whaling, Japan is proposing a package of measures at an International Whaling Commission (IWC) meeting next month that would effectively lift the global ban on for-profit whaling.