
  • alex posted an update 8 years, 6 months ago


    Cat – one of the most magic animals on the earth.

    There is nobody a secret, that cats and kittens happen the diversified colourings.

    But many do not know, that colour of a cat bears strong influence on the person and can change its destiny.

    The cat with white pads – involves a material prosperity;

    The black cat, despite all superstitions, takes away negative power, takes away a trouble from members of household, grants wisdom and an insight! Protects from a malefice, the thief and a thunder-storm. Struggles with evil ghosts. Astral abilities of a cat are so strong, that it without ceremony can banish a ghost or an astral body of the dead man from the house;

    Two-coloured cat (биколор): double treasure. For example, there are black-and-white, white-blue, shokoladno-white, etc. Such cats double happiness in the house, increase success;

    The three-coloured cat (colour stains of a wool are not mixed among themselves) brings happiness to the owner, special protection and protects the house from a fire, and seven-colour – to all family, all house;

    “Tortoise” окрас (colour stains of a wool are mixed among themselves) it is considered a talisman, brings family happiness. The aura of such cat is so great, that covers not only the concrete person, but also his family, the house and territory as which she considers as the;

    Окрас табби (striped) grants good luck, the easy, cheerful relation to situations, even to the most critical, charges energy of humour and enthusiasm!;

    The red cat is a support and hope of all sufferers and patients. Red cats and cats are considered as the present defenders and healers. Draw in the house gold;

    Purely white cat is a magic, they is better help the people which life is connected with risk and heavy physical activities! Are considered as a cleanliness embodiment (both physical, and cleanliness of thoughts);

    Cats of grey colour are capable to present to the owner internal both external beauty and harmony. Also they are considered as the best security guards of the house from evil spirit. Bring love, good luck, and as emotional stability and sensual rest!;

    All cats bring good luck to all family, irrespective of colour.

    The magic nature of cats

    Cat – one of the most magic animals on the earth.

    Its aura is so great, that covers not only the concrete person, but also his family, the house and territory as which the cat considers as the.

    Therefore it is necessary to understand, that when the cat rubs about your feet it not only makes up, trying to achieve the, it means also that it shares with you the magic, astral force.

    The same who pushes away a cat during this moment, speaking to it «has gone, not to you», simply refuses that positive energy which she wished to grant it. But next time the cat any more will not give to such person a part of the astral force, and can even to take away it, on the contrary.

    The cat not only protects the house from evil spirit, not giving it to get on sacred territory for a cat, but it as well relieves the house of it if that in it was earlier. In particular it is useful for those who moves in the house in which already someone earlier veins.

    Having found out in the house evil spirit, a cat at first some time observes of it, trying to define its intention. Having convinced, that this astral essence threatens its territory, the cat undertakes all attempts to expel it by means of replacement by the power field. And if it is impossible to it, then it as though “involves” evil spirit in herself and withdraws from the house.

    From here in some traditions also there were motives when by cats there goes evil spirit. Therefore, if you see, that the cat constantly is in any place of the house, in an intense pose, is obvious behind something observing, know, – there evil spirit.

    To help the animal to get rid of evil spirit, read over that place any pray or make cleaning ritual. If you do not know prays and do not own any magic cleaning technics in that case at least fumigate this place with a wormwood. A wormwood – very much a powerful tool expelling evil spirit.

    Astral abilities of a cat are so strong, that it without ceremony can banish a ghost or an astral body of the dead man from the house.

    Presence of a cat also will protect you from any malefice and damage, but for this purpose it is good a minute of prospective danger of damage or a malefice, or at conversation with the person whom you suspect of dirty thoughts, to hold hands on a cat, thus ironing the left hand a nape of a cat, and right – its tail. In that case you will be in full contact to an animal, and your power fields will be closed in a uniform contour that will help to keep even very strong magic blow from the sorcerer or a witch.

    As cats are conductors of space energy they can introduce in the house and those of energy which will promote well-being and prosperity of all family.

    The cat likes to be in places of strong inflow of energy, i.e. in geopathogenic zones, and frequently chooses those places where in a considerable quantity negative energy gathers.

    Therefore knowing people use this animal and to clear space of the house of negative vibrations.

    In that case the cat, figuratively speaking, works as certain “vacuum cleaner”, incurring negative energy and transforming it in the positive.

    It is possible to tell, that if trees transform carbonic gas harmful to us to oxygen cats perform the same work for the person, but in the power plan. It is caused by that own biofield of a cat has a negative charge.

    Not without reason in Russia there was such ceremony: at moving on a new residence of the first in the house started up a cat.

    If the house was old the cat took away on itself all negative alien power which has remained from former owners.

    If the house was new he demanded “repayment”, that is a powerful power charge which the cat could give.

    If to continue a theme about the house it is necessary to mention and such moment as magic communication between cats and house.

    It is considered, that house very much loves cats. It is caused by that the cat by the nature can act and as трикстер (intermediary), that is to serve as a conductor between the human world and the world потусторонним. Therefore through a cat of the house established connection with the person.

    If house not to present a cat it can рассерчать and begins to harm to those who lives in this house. Quite often a cat started up in the house of the first also that умилостивить to cajole house and that it could adjust with it relations.

    The big application of magic abilities of a cat have found in healing. Cats of any breed and colour possess ability to treatment and can involuntarily treat the owners, laying down it on sore points.

    One of the most simple ways of treatment by means of a cat is its idle time поглаживание, relieving the person from stresses, mental and a nervous tension. In healing of a cat are used and for sight improvement. For this purpose some sorcerers advise to stroke a tail of a white cat.

    On degree of psycho-emotional influence on the person, cats rescued from street, possess double magic force!

    To those people who are going to use magic properties of this animal, it is necessary to know how correctly to choose to itself a cat or a cat, in what cases it is necessary to get a black cat, and in what red cat.

    At a choice of a cat or a cat it is very important to consider their colour. Has carried to at whom in the house there live at once some cats of different colours:)

    Also it is important to trust the intuition if you were pulled to a certain cat in that case the cat itself will draw what in it does not suffice in your house.

    Often people wish to grow rich, and actually it the happiness not always in money is more important to be happy, and.

    So, taking home a multi-colour cat, you draw true happiness.

    Probably, on your way to meet the red cat if you rescue it from street, present care and love also it will thank you, will cure of illness.

    Happens, that the black cat was suddenly beat, to take such cat – to avoid a trouble.

    It were examples of when animals choose the person, “as though casually”. As often people pass by the happiness… But also you can choose a cat of certain colour, for example, having come in a shelter for animals or looking through announcements of search of owners.

    Cat – an eternity symbol as lays, having curtailed by a ring. Wish to live long, to have healthy heart and nerves – let with you always there lives a cat, in independence of colour!

    Protect these fine creations! Do not throw loyal friends!