Yulin at a Crossroads: Time to End Dog Massacre
Yulin, notorious as it is, cannot be expected to lead to a national dog meat trade ban. Yet the Yulin authorities can use China’s existing laws and regulations as a weapon against dog slaughter.
Yulin, notorious as it is, cannot be expected to lead to a national dog meat trade ban. Yet the Yulin authorities can use China’s existing laws and regulations as a weapon against dog slaughter.
Thousands of animals are slaughtered illegally across India due to ineffective implementation of laws and regulations. We need you to step up and join FIAPO’s campaign to bring justice!
Across the United States there are elections with important animal issues at stake, including in California’s 34th congressional district and New Jersey’s gubernatorial primary.
Reptiles may be cold-blooded, but wearing their skins is cold-hearted. The trade in exotic animal skins, and those of reptiles in particular, victimizes thousands of animals to fulfil the demands of luxury fashion houses.
The Vancouver Parks Board has passed a total ban on the captivity of cetaceans. The amended Cetacean Bylaw will finally end cetacean suffering in the city of Vancouver, despite Aquarium business propaganda. This will help to guarantee the rights and freedoms of cetaceans worldwide!
I had cats during my childhood. Unfortunately, for the last 15 years I have lived in an apartment without cats. That is why I started to take photos of them as a reminder of my youth.
Despite various challenges, volunteers’ pure intention to make life better for the dogs and cats at Pondok Pengayom Satwa animal shelter keeps them coming back every week.
“This is an encouraging step in the right direction from the Chinese authorities and we congratulate the government on this decision,” said Pei Su, Founder and Executive Director of ACTAsia. “However, we must also realise that this temporary ban raises certain issues.”
Studying the past can play an important role in animal conservation, by clarifying how humans have impacted animals in a wide range of environments over time. This information can also be used in assessing how and where to repopulate vulnerable species and how to minimize human impacts.
New York City’s revamped citywide campaign aims to educate residents in all five boroughs about the red-tailed hawks, piping plovers, raccoons, coyotes and deer they coexist with.
Animal rights are for all animals, based on their intrinsic value and right to life. Gau Raksha, on the other hand, is an extremely narrow movement characterized by speciesism and sexism, and motivated solely by religious beliefs.
Increasingly large patches of tropical forest are being lost worldwide as governments and corporations clear more land to make way for industrial-scale agriculture, a Duke University study shows.