(All photos credit Animals Asia, used under CC BY-NC 2.0)
Sent to:
Mr. Wang Xuguang
Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer
Haichang Holdings
No.1 Lianjingyuan
Huale Street,
Zhongshan District
Dalian 116001
People’s Republic of China
February 2016
大连市中山区华乐街涟景园1号, 海昌集, 116001
Dear Mr. Wang Xuguang,
We are writing on behalf of the Asia for Animals coalition, representing international organisations with extensive knowledge of animal welfare and conservation issues, including those pertaining to the captive marine mammal industry. We express our deep concerns regarding the poor living conditions for the animals currently being housed at the recently-opened “Zhengjia Polar Ocean World” facility in Guangzhou.

Dead grouper in foreground; in background, a whale shark, the world’s largest fish growing up to 40 feet long
News reports and photographs that have been widely disseminated on various social media networks document the wholly unacceptable conditions under which the animals are being kept, resulting in immense animal suffering. Observations show walrus calves and beluga whales in small tanks swimming around in circles, and arctic wolves and foxes pacing, all signs of stereotypic behaviours, demonstrating psychological distress. Dead groupers were also observed in one of the tanks.
We also note that close contact photo opportunities are available for members of the public with the beluga whales, posing not only severe concerns for animal welfare but also to public safety. Some diseases that are found in terrestrial and marine wildlife can be transferred to humans and vice versa. In addition, some species, including all cetaceans, can inflict serious injuries on trainers, so inexperienced tourists are at even more risk. Trainers have been injured and some killed by captive orcas; captive dolphins and belugas, as well as pinnipeds, have also seriously injured trainers and tourists.
We believe it is only justifiable to keep animals in captivity if both their physical and behavioural needs can be provided for. These needs are extremely complex for the species exhibited at the Zhengjia Polar Ocean World, and it is evident that these needs are not being met due to the poor quality of the facilities.
The confined space provided for the 6 beluga whales does not allow them to perform many of their natural behaviors. They cannot swim as they would naturally in the wild, dive, hunt, and they would rarely need to use their echolocation as the sound waves produced cannot reach far. When individuals have conflicts among themselves, they have nowhere to avoid each other. All these aspects are likely to create stress which can lead to depression, aggression, disease and possible death.
Confining cetacean species in captivity presents serious welfare issues. The vast majority of the cetaceans held in captivity in China have been captured from the wild, using invasive, highly stressful and potentially lethal methods. Purchasing wild caught cetaceans is likely to have a detrimental impact on the wild population. The beluga whales are likely to have been taken from Russian waters where beluga populations are declining and the captures are not sustainable.
During capture, family and group members are separated from each other, and mortality rates for some cetacean species increase six-fold during and immediately after capture or transport [1]. Studies are rarely conducted to ascertain the impact on those animals left behind.
Once removed from their natural environment, whales are transported to small enclosures that are only a fraction of the size of their natural home range, and are lacking their family members and social groups, causing immense distress to these highly social and intelligent animals.
Whales and dolphins are wide-ranging, social animals and captivity cannot provide them with the social, visual and auditory stimuli of their natural environment. They must adapt to an artificial diet, strange noises, and the unnatural proximity of people and other captive animals. Many will suffer from the stress of confinement, which often results in aggression and other behavioural abnormalities, reduced calving success, stomach ulcers, and reduced immune response. These in turn result in poor quality of life, reduced life expectancy and higher infant mortality than what the animals would experience in the wild.
Decades of research on cetaceans has revealed that their brains are large, complex and capable of sophisticated thought. Cetaceans have demonstrated culture [2], tool-use [3], individuality [4], consciousness, and self-awareness [5].
Cetacean performances and close contact opportunities do little to educate the public on issues of natural behaviours, ecology, or conservation status, and there is little objective evidence to indicate that public displays contribute to raising public knowledge of marine mammals and their habitats.
Rather, observing cetaceans perform tricks has the potential to desensitize the observer to the suffering of cetaceans in captivity and does little to encourage the compassion and empathy necessary to invoke actions to protect wild cetaceans from exploitation. The welfare concerns associated with the removal of cetaceans from the wild and their confinement to small tanks or pools cannot be justified on the basis of potential educational benefits to the general public. Indeed, in viewing these animals at Zhengjia Polar Ocean World, the general public would learn that removing animals from their natural habitat for the entertainment of humans is acceptable, and that animals displaying clear signs of distress are ‘normal’ behaviours. This is not a message China’s public, particularly its children, should be learning when visiting one of your facilities.
Polar bears, arctic wolves and foxes are also species that do not adapt well to captivity, often exhibiting stereotypic behaviours. Captivity restricts their natural foraging behaviour and this is replaced by the exhibition of locomotory stereotypies such as repetitive pacing. In many cases this pacing becomes more prominent during times when the animal is expecting to receive food, and researchers have documented captive polar bears pacing more on days when they have not received any food. These animals may also pace in an attempt to escape from their current situation as this is causing them a degree of stress.
The stereotypies observed in the polar bear, wolves and foxes at your facility are likely to have developed out of stress and deprivation caused by the captive situation, and prolonged periods of stress are likely to cause both physiological and psychological problems for these individuals.
Walruses live in large herds in the wild, and the calves may stay with their mothers until they are 5-6 years old. The staffs have informed members of our team that these calves are just 2 years old, yet they have been separated from their mothers at this young age and are now confined within a space which allows them very little opportunity to express their natural behaviours.
Shopping malls are not appropriate locations for wildlife species to be exhibited, in doing so it delivers a message that these animals are simply another commodity to buy and consume, rather than important natural elements of ecosystems that need our protection.
We see from the many social media posts about this facility that the public is clearly concerned about the animals’ welfare. We thereby urge you to take immediate steps to improve the welfare of the animals, and in the interest of both the health and welfare of the animals and the public, we request an immediate end to any close contact activities.
We urge Haichang to stop buying wild caught cetaceans, to stop breeding captive cetaceans, and to evaluate the existing captive cetaceans to see if any can be reintroduced to the ocean.
We thank you for your consideration of our recommendations and urge you to reconsider the exhibition of marine and arctic wildlife in this and future shopping malls. In doing so you will be demonstrating your commitment to ensuring improved living conditions and better welfare standards for all captive wild animals within China.
For further information please see “The Case against Marine Mammals in Captivity,” http://www.humanesociety.org/assets/pdfs/marine_mammals/case_against_marine_captivity.pdf and ”Killer Controversy,” https://awionline.org/sites/default/files/uploads/documents/AWI-KillerControversy-OrcaCaptivity-03272014.pdf
Sent on behalf of the following organisations:
- Animal Guardians动物守护者
- Animal People动物公民
- Animals Asia Foundation亚洲动物基金
- ACRES动物关注研究和教育社团
- Blue Cross of India印度蓝十字会
- Change for Animals Foundation为动物改变基金会
- Earth Island Institute地球岛屿协会
- Federation of Indian Animal Protection Organisations印度动物保护组织联盟
- Humane Society International美国国际人道对待动物协会
- International Animal Rescue国际动物援救
- International Fund for Animal Welfare 国际爱护动物基金会
- Philippine Animal Welfare Society菲律宾动物福利协会
- Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 英国皇家防止虐待动物协会
- Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Hong Kong香港爱护动物协会
- Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Sarawak 沙捞越防止虐待动物协会
- World Animal Protection世界动物保护协会
Supported by:
- AAP Rescue Centre for Exotic Animals, NETHERLANDS
- All Life In A Viable Environment, JAPAN
- Andhra PRadesh Goshalala Federation, INDIA
- Anima, MACAU
- Animal Friends, CROATIA
- Animal Friends Niigata, JAPAN
- Animal Projects & Environmental Education, MALAYSIA
- Animal Protection Network, SWEDEN
- Animal Rights Action Network, IRELAND
- Animal Rights Centre, JAPAN
- Animal Sanctuary Trust, INDONESIA
- Animals Australia
- ARK Animal Refuge Kansai, JAPAN
- Australians for Animals
- Bali Animal Welfare Association, INDONESIA
- Bali Sea Turtle Society (BSTS), INDONESIA
- Behavioral & Environmental Solutions, USA
- Beijing Pet Adoption Day北京领养日, CHINA
- Beijing Sunflower Friends of Animal Team 北京市向日葵动物之友志愿者团队, CHINA
- Bharatiya Prani Mitra Sangh, Hyderabad, INDIA
- Blue Cross Youth Seva Sangham – Andhra Pradesh, INDIA
- British Hen Welfare Trust, UK
- Cat Welfare Society, SINGAPORE
- Causes for Animals Ltd, SINGAPORE
- Cee4life, AUSTRALIA
- Centre for Orangutan Protection, INDONESIA
- Changchun 3.10 Shanxiao Fund 长春10善小基金, CHINA
- Changsha Small Animal Protection Association 长沙市小动物保护协会, CHINA
- Chengde Cat Forest 承德猫咪森林流浪猫救助团队, CHINA
- Chengdu Home of Love Small Animal Rescue Center 成都市双流县爱之家动物救助中心, CHINA
- China Farm Animal Protection Coalition中国农场动物保护联盟, CHINA
- China Journalists Salon for Animal Protection中国动物保护记者沙龙, CHINA
- China Youth Animal Protection Alliance中国青年动物保护联盟, CHINA
- China Zoo Watch, CHINA
- Compassion Unlimited Plus Action, Bangalore, INDIA
- CPR Environmental Education Centre, INDIA
- Dalian VSHINE Protection of Animals SPCA大连市微善爱护动物协会, CHINA
- Darjeeling Animal Shelter, INDIA
- David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation, UK
- Djurskyddet Sverige (Animal Welfare Sweden), SWEDEN
- Dobro Surtse, BULGARIA
- Dzivnieku Draugs, LATVIA
- Egyptian Society of Animal Friends, EGYPT
- Elephant Asia Rescue & Survival Foundation, HONG KONG
- ElephantVoices, KENYA
- Ente Nazionale Protezione Animali – Onlus, ITALY
- Environment Films, UK
- European Animal Protection Foundation / Europaeische Tierschutzstiftung, SWITZERLAND
- Fanciers Nanning Stray Cats 南宁流浪猫论坛, CHINA
- Finnish Federation for Animal Welfare Organisations (SEY), FINLAND
- For Elephants International,
- Four Paws, UK
- Four Paws International
- Friends of the Earth, MALAYSIA
- Fuzhou Aixinyuan Stray Animal Rescue Center 福州爱心缘流浪动物救助中心, CHINA
- Fuzhou Small Animal Protection Center 福州小动物保护中心, CHINA
- Gansu Green Volunteer Home 甘肃绿色志愿者之家, CHINA
- GREY2K USA Worldwide, USA
- Greyhound Compassion UK
- Guangdong the Best Volunteer Center首善广东志愿者中心, CHINA
- Guangyuan Bo’ai Animal Protection Center 广元市博爱动物保护中心, CHINA
- Guangzhou Cat -Xi Xi Forest 熙熙森林广州猫, CHINA
- Hefei Kennel Association Care Center合肥犬业协会小动物关怀中心, CHINA
- Help Animals India, INDIA
- Himalayan Animal Rescue Trust, INDIA
- HK Dolphin Conservation Society, HONG KONG
- Huhhot Angel Guardian呼和浩特天使守护动物保护公益团队, CHINA
- Iceland Animal Welfare Foundation, ICELAND
- In Defense of Animals, INDIA
- International Otter Survival Fund, UK
- International Primate Protection League
- Jakarta Animal Aid Network, INDONESIA
- JBF India Trust, INDIA
- Jinan Cattery济南猫窝,CHINA
- Karuna Society for Animals & Nature, INDIA
- Kathmandu Animal Treatment Centre, NEPAL
- Korea Animal Rights Advocate, REPUBLIC OF KOREA
- Korean Animal Welfare Association, REPUBLIC OF KOREA
- Lanta Animal Welfare, HONG KONG
- Lanzhou Street Animal Rescue Station 兰州流浪动物救助站, CHINA
- Life Conservationist Association,關懷生命協會TAIWAN
- Lifelong Animal Protection, HONG KONG
- Light of Life Veterinary Clinic, SINGAPORE
- Love Wildlife Foundation, THAILAND
- Lucky Cats幸运土猫志愿者团体, CHINA
- Marine Connection, UK
- MelbournDolphin, AUSTRALIA
- org
- Nanchang Small Animal Protection Association 南昌小动物保护协会, CHINA
- Nanjing Ping An A Fu Stray Animal Rescue Association 南京平安阿福流浪动物救助会, CHINA
- Navale Consulting Group, INDIA
- Orangutan Aid, HONG KONG
- Palawan Animal Welfare Association, PHILIPINNES
- People For Animals – Chennai, INDIA
- People For Animals – Hooghly, INDIA
- Pet Orphans Home汪汪喵呜孤儿院, CHINA
- PETA Asia 亚洲善待动物组织, HONG KONG
- Plant & Animal Welfare Society, INDIA
- Qingdao Society for the Protection of Animals 青岛爱护动物协会, CHINA
- RAKSHA – Voice of the Voiceless, INDIA
- Rattle the Cage Productions, THAILAND
- Royal Veterinary College, University of London, HONG KONG
- Sahayog Organisation, Andhra Pradesh Goshalala Federation, Hyderabad, INDIA
- Shandong Yantai Caring Street Animals Rescue Shelter山东省烟台市爱心流浪动物救助收容中心, CHINA
- Sichuan Qiming Companion Animal Protection Center四川省启明小动物保护中心, CHINA
- SJZ One Meter More Love stray cats rescue group石家庄一米爱流浪猫救助团队, CHINA
- Society for Animal Welfare and Management, NEPAL
- Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals – Penang, MALAYSIA
- Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals – Selangor, MALAYSIA
- Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Xiangzhou, Zhuhai)珠海市香洲区爱护动物协会, CHINA
- Soi Dog Foundation, THAILAND
- Stiftung fuer Baeren / Foundation for Bears, SWITZERLAND
- Stray Relief and Animal Welfare, INDIA
- Sun Bear Centre – Kalimantan, INDONESIA
- Swiss Animal Protection SAP / Schweizer Tierschutz STS / Protection Suisse des Animaux PSA, SWITZERLAND
- Taiwan SPCA台灣防止虐待動物協會, TAIWAN
- Thai Fund for Elephant Foundation, THAILAND
- The Cattitude Trust – Chennai, INDIA
- The Corbett Foundation, INDIA
- The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, KENYA
- The Home of Love, CHINA
- The Humane Education Trust, SOUTH AFRICA
- The Welfare of Stray Dogs – Mumbai, INDIA
- The Winsome Constance Kindness Trust, AUSTRALIA
- Tianjin Common Home中国天津共同家园, CHINA
- Together for Animals in China与牠同行动物福利促进协会, CHINA
- United Against Elephant Polo, INDIA
- Voice for Zoo Animals, JAPAN
- “We Are One Family” Charity Association of Chongqing Normal University 重庆师范大学“天下一家”公益协会, CHINA
- Wildlife Alliance, CAMBODIA
- Wildlife in Need (and Active Environments), PHILIPPINES
- Wildlife Protection Society of India, INDIA
- Wildlife Rescue & Rehabilitation Centre, Bangalore, INDIA
- Wolf Watch UK
- Wuhan Small Animal Protection Association武汉市小动物保护协会, CHINA
- Xi’an Grenadine Companion Animal Rescue Center 西安红石榴伴侣动物救助中心, CHINA
- Xiamen Animal Protection Education Association厦门爱护动物教育专业委员会, CHINA
- Xiamen Pet Web 厦门宠物网, CHINA
- Xinjiang Karamay City Street Animal Protection Centre新疆克拉玛依市流浪动物保护中心, CHINA
- YeuDongVat, VIETNAM
- Zhangzhou Small Animal Scientifically Rescue Center 漳州市小动物科学养护救助中心, CHINA
- Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force, ZIMBABWE
- Zoocheck Canada, CANADA
Copied to:
Mr Xie Meng
Vice President and Executive Director
Grandview Mall
Tianhe Road No 28
Guangzhou City
People’s Republic of China
Mr. Han Changfu
Ministry of Agriculture
N°11 Nong Zhan Guan Nan Li,
Chao Yang District,
100125, Beijing
People’s Republic of China
Wen Bin
General Director
Guangdong Provincial Ocean and Fishery Bureau
Nan Cun Road No.10
Haizhu District
Guangzhou City
People’s Republic of China
Dr Zhongqiu Zhang
Director General
Veterinary Bureau
Ministry of Agriculture
N°11 Nong Zhan Guan Nan Li, Chaoyang District,
100125, Beijing
People’s Republic of China
Mr. Zhao Shucong
Minister of the State Forestry Administration
State Forestry Administration
No 18, Hepingli Dongjie
Beijing 100714
People Republic of China