Message Board Rules

While posts to the Animal People Forum’s message boards do not require prior administrative approval, we nonetheless expect all users to abide by the rules listed below. We reserve the right to delete posts that violate these terms, and repeat offenders may have their accounts suspended or terminated.

The following actions are not permitted on the Animal People Forum’s message boards:

  • Encouraging violence against animals (including humans), advocating terrorism or psychological violence as an activist tactic, or soliciting support for violent activities
  • Making hateful statements or promoting bigotry on the basis of sex, race, age, social class, disability, color, creed, national or cultural origin, religion, sexual orientation, or gender identity
  • Any form of cyber-bullying, including threatening, harassing, or abusive language toward other users, or doxxing, the sharing of others’ personally identifiable information (including home addresses or private contact information)
  • Sharing pornography or linking to pornographic sites, except for the purposes of exposing or protesting depictions of cruelty to animals
  • Spamming, the posting of incoherent, unrelated, or repetitive content

Animal People, Inc. lacks the time or resources to monitor all content posted on the Forum message boards. We rely on users to report violations of the above terms.

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